
2022, Zuber, A., et al, Variability of water vapor in Central Mexico from two remote sensing techniques: FTIR spectroscopy and GPS, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39(8),
Tags: FTIR, H2O

2022, Noël, S., M. Reuter, M. Buchwitz, J. Borchardt, M. Hilker, O. Schneising, H. Bovensmann, J.P. Burrows, A. Di Noia, R.J. Parker, H. Suto, Y. Yoshida, M. Buschmann, N.M. Deutscher, D.G. Feist, D.W.T. Griffith, F. Hase, R. Kivi, C. Liu, I. Morino, J. Notholt, Y.-S. Oh, H. Ohyama, C. Petri, D.F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, C. Roehl, C. Rousogenous, M.K. Sha, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, Y. Té, V.A. Velazco, M. Vrekoussis, and T. Warneke, Retrieval of greenhouse gases from GOSAT and GOSAT-2 using the FOCAL algorithm, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 3401-3437,
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR, Satellite

2022, Malina, E., Veihelmann, B., Buschmann, M., Deutscher, N. M., Feist, D. G., and Morino, I., On the consistency of methane retrievals using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and multiple spectroscopic databases, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 2377–2406,
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2021, Blumenstock, T., Hase, F., Keens, A., Czurlok, D., Colebatch, O., Garcia, O., Griffith, D. W. T., Grutter, M., Hannigan, J. W., Heikkinen, P., Jeseck, P., Jones, N., Kivi, R., Lutsch, E., Makarova, M., Imhasin, H. K., Mellqvist, J., Morino, I., Nagahama, T., Notholt, J., Ortega, I., Palm, M., Raffalski, U., Rettinger, M., Robinson, J., Schneider, M., Servais, C., Smale, D., Stremme, W., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Té, Y., and Velazco, V. A., Characterization and potential for reducing optical resonances in Fourier transform infrared spectrometers of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1239–1252,
Tags: FTIR

2021, Dogniaux, M., C. Crevoisier, R. Armante, V. Capelle, T. Delahaye, V. Cassé, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D.G. Feist, O.E. Garcia, D.W.T. Griffith, F. Hase, L.T. Iraci, R. Kivi, I. Morino, J. Notholt, D.F. Pollard, C.M. Roehl, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, Y. Té, V.A. Velazco, and T. Warneke, The Adaptable 4A Inversion (5AI): description and first XCO2 retrievals from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 4689–4706,
Tags: FTIR, Satellite, XCO2

2021, Noel, S., et al., XCO2 retrieval for GOSAT and GOSAT-2 based on the FOCAL algorithm, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 3837–3869,
Tags: FTIR, XCO2

2021, Rivera Cárdenas, C., Guarín, C., Stremme, W., Friedrich, M. M., Bezanilla, A., Rivera Ramos, D., Mendoza-Rodríguez, C. A., Grutter, M., Blumenstock, T., Hase, F., Formaldehyde total column densities over Mexico City: comparison between multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy and solar-absorption Fourier transform infrared measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 595–613,
Tags: CH2O, FTIR

2021, Tu, Q., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., Schneider, M., Schneider, A., Kivi, R., Heikkinen, P., Ertl, B., Diekmann, C., Khosrawi, F., Sommer, M., Borsdorff, T., and Raffalski, U., Intercomparison of arctic XH2O observations from three ground-based Fourier transform infrared networks and application for satellite validation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1993–2011,
Tags: FTIR, Arctic, XH2O, Satellite

2021, Yamanouchi, S., C. Viatte, K. Strong, E. Lutsch, D.B.A. Jones, C. Clerbaux, M. Van Damme, L. Clarisse, and P.-F. Coheur, Multiscale observations of NH3 around Toronto, Canada, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 905–921,
Tags: FTIR, NH3

2021, Sha, M., B. Langerock, J.-F. L. Blavier, T. Blumenstock, T. Borsdorff, M. Buschmann, A. Dehn, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, O. E. García, D. W. T. Griffith, M. Grutter, J. W. Hannigan, F. Hase, P. Heikkinen, C. Hermans, L. T. Iraci, P. Jeseck, N. Jones, R. Kivi, N. Kumps, J. Landgraf, A. Lorente, E. Mahieu, M. V. Makarova, J. Mellqvist, J.-M. Metzger, I. Morino, T. Nagahama, J. Notholt, H. Ohyama, I. Ortega, M. Palm, C. Petri, D. F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, J. Robinson, S. Roche, C. M. Roehl, A. N. Röhling, C. Rousogenous, M. Schneider, K. Shiomi, D. Smale, W. Stremme, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, Y. Té, O. Uchino, V. A. Velazco, C. Vigouroux, M. Vrekoussis, P. Wang, T. Warneke, T. Wizenberg, D. Wunch, S. Yamanouchi, Y. Yang, and M. Zhou, Validation of methane and carbon monoxide from Sentinel-5 Precursor using TCCON and NDACC-IRWG stations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6249–6304,
Tags: CalVal, CH4, CO, FTIR