
1994, Kerr, J.B., Fast H., McElroy C.T., Oltmans S.J., Lathrop J.A., Kyro E., Paukkunen A., Claude H., Koehler U., Sreedharan C.R., Takao T., Tsukagoshi Y., The 1991 WMO International Ozonesonde Intercomparison at Vanscoy Canada, Atmospheric Ocean, 32, 685-716
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Validation

1993, Elokhov, A.S., A.N. Gruzdev, Spectrometric measurements of of total NO2 in different regions of the globe, SPIE, 2107, 111-121
Tags: NO2, UVVis

Dimitropoulou, E., Hendrick, F., Friedrich, M. M., Tack, F., Pinardi, G., Merlaud, A., Fayt, C., Hermans, C., Fierens, F., and Van Roozendael, M., Horizontal distribution of tropospheric NO2 and aerosols derived by dual-scan multi-wavelength multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) measurements in Uccle, Belgium, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 4503–4529,
Tags: Aerosol, NO2, UVVis