
2020, Eleftheratos, K., Kapsomenakis, J.; Zerefos, C.S.; Bais, A.F.; Fountoulakis, I.; Dameris, M.; Jöckel, P.; Haslerud, A.S.; GodinBeekmann, S.; Steinbrecht, W.; Petropavlovskikh, I.; Brogniez, C.; Leblanc, T.; Liley, J.B.; Querel, R.; Swart, D.P.J., Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level, Atmosphere, 11, 228,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2020, Bernhard, G., S. Stierle, Trends of UV Radiation in Antarctica, Atmosphere, 11(8), 795,
Tags: Spectral UV, Trends, UVB

2020, Allen, M.W., et al., Use of electronic UV dosimeters in measuring personal UV exposures and public health education, Atmosphere, 11, 744,
Tags: Health, Spectral UV, UVB

2019, Cadet, J.-M., H. Bencherif, D. J. du Preez, T. Portafaix, N. Sultan-Bichat, M. Belus, C. Brogniez, F. Auriol, J.-M. Metzger, K. Ncongwane, G. J. R. Coetzee and C. Y. Wright, Solar UV Radiation in Saint-Denis, La Réunion and Cape Town, South Africa: 10 years Climatology and Human Exposure Assessment at Altitude, Atmosphere, 10, 589,
Tags: Health, Spectral UV

2019, Becagli, S., Amore A., Caiazzo L., Di Iorio Tatiana, di Sarra Alcide, Lazzara L., Marchese C., Meloni Daniela, Mori G., Muscari G., et al., Biogenic aerosol in the Arctic from eight years of MSA data from Ny Ålesund (Svalbard Islands) and Thule (Greenland), Atmosphere, 10 (7)
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2008, Zander, R., Mahieu, E., Demoulin, P., Duchatelet, P., Roland, G., Servais, C., De Maz¨iere, M., Reimann, S. and Rinsland, C. P., Our changing atmosphere: Evidence based on long-term infrared solar observations at the Jungfraujoch since 1950, Science of the Total Environment, 391(2-3), 184–195,
Tags: FTIR

2008, Ferrari, C.P., Padova, C., Fain, X., Gauchard, P. A., Dommergue, A., Aspmo, K., Berg, T., Cairns, W., Barbante, C., Cescon, P., Kaleschke L., Richter, A., Wittrock, F., Boutron, C., Atmospheric mercury depletion event study in Ny-Alesund (Svalbard) in spring 2005. Deposition and transformation of Hg in surface snow during springtime, Science of the Total Environment, 397,167-177
Tags: Hg, UVVis

1995, Gruzdev, A.N., Possible changes in the dose of biologically active ultraviolet radiation received by the biosphere in the summertime arctic due to total ozone interannual variability, Science of the Total Environment, 161: 669-675,
Tags: Arctic, Erythemal UV, Ozone

1989, Sacco, V.M., et al., Elastic backscattering Lidar System for Atmospheric measurements in Antarctica, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 21, 215-226
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar