
2002, Keckhut, P., A. Hauchecorne, S. Henot, O. Coesnon, I. S. McDermid, T. Leblanc, G. von Cossart, F-J. Lubken and U. von Zahn, Climatology of the Temperature Variability at the Middle Atmosphere (30-80 km) of the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude (20-60°N), Recent Research and Developments, Geophysics, 4, 359-368
Tags: Climatology, Lidar, Temperature

1996, Notholt, J., K. Pfeilsticker, Stratospheric trace gas measurements in the near UV and visible spectral range with the sun as light source using a Fourier transform spectrometer, Applied Spectroscopy, 50, 583-587
Tags: FTIR

1996, Griffith, D.W.T., Synthetic calibration and quantitative analysis of gas phase infrared spectra, Applied Spectroscopy, 50, 59-70
Tags: FTIR

1995, Notholt, J., I. Beninga, O. Schrems, Shipborne FTIR measurements of atmospheric trace gases on a South (33 M-0S) to North (53 M-0N) Atlantic traverse, Applied Spectroscopy, 49, 1525-1527
Tags: FTIR