
2002, Irion, F.W., M. R. Gunson, G. C. Toon, L. R. Brown , A. Y. Chang, A. Eldering, E. Mahieu, G. L. Manney, H. A. Michelsen, E. J. Moyer, M. J. Newchurch, G. B. Osterman, C. P. Rinsland, R. J. Salawitch, B. Sen, Y. L. Yung and R. Zander, Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy Experiment (ATMOS) Version 3 data retrievals, Applied Optics, 41 (33), 6968-6979
Tags: FTIR

2001, Gerrard, A.J., T.J. Kane, J.P. Thayer, C.S. Ruf, and R.L. Collins, Recent contributions to long-term atmospheric studies at Koldewey-Station., Applied Optics, 40, (9),1488-1492
Tags: Lidar

2001, Beyerle, G., M. R. Gross, D. A. Haner, N. T. Kjome, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee, M. J. Rosen, H.-J. Schäfer and O. Schrems, A lidar and backscatter sonde aerosol measurement campaign at Table Mountain during FebruaryMarch 1997: Observations of cirrus clouds, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 1275-1287
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar, Sonde

2000, Rex, M., K. Dethloff, D. Handorf, A. Herber, R. Lehmann, R. Neuber, J. Notholt, A. Rinke, P. von der Gathen, A. Weisheimer, and H. Gernandt, Arctic and Antarctic ozone layer observations: chemical and dynamical aspects of variability and longterm changes in the polar stratosphere, Polar Research, 19(2), 193-204
Tags: FTIR, Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

2000, Lenoble, J., Influence of environment reflectance on UV zenith radiance for cloudless sky, Applied Optics, 39, 4247-4254
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1999, Rosen, J.M., N.T. Kjome, Active laser cavity particle counters: a fundamental problem and solution for airborne application, Applied Optics, 38, No 36, 7321-7324
Tags: Aerosol, Sonde

1999, Lambert, J.C., M. Van Roozendael, M. De Mazière, P.C. Simon, J.-P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, A. Sarkissian, and J.F. Gleason, Investigations of pole-to-pole performances of spaceborne atmospheric chemistry sensors with the NDSC, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56, 176-193
Tags: Satellite, Validation

1999, Hase, F., M. Hoepfner, Atmospheric ray tracing modeling for radiative transfer algorithms, Applied Optics, 38, 3129-3133
Tags: FTIR

1999, Hase, F., T. Blumenstock, and C. Paton-Walsh, Analysis of the instrumental line shape of high-resolution Fourier transform IR spectrometers with gas cell measurements and new retrieval software, Applied Optics, 38, 3417-3422
Tags: FTIR

1999, Godin, S., A. I. Carswell, D. P. Donovan, H. Claude, W. Steinbrecht, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee, M. R. Gross, H Nakane, D. P. J. Swart, H. B. Bergwerff, O. Uchino, P. von der Gathen, R. Neuber, Ozone differential absorption lidar algorithm intercomparison, Applied Optics, 38, 6225-6236
Tags: Algorithm, Lidar, Ozone, Validation