
2003, Ajtic, J., Connor, B.J.; Randall, C.E.; Lawrence, B.N.; Bodeker, G.E.; Rosenfield, J.E.; Heuff, D.N., Antarctic air over New Zealand following vortex breakdown in 1998, Annales Geophysicae, 21, 2175-2183
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Sonde

2001, Beyerle, G., M. R. Gross, D. A. Haner, N. T. Kjome, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee, M. J. Rosen, H.-J. Schäfer and O. Schrems, A lidar and backscatter sonde aerosol measurement campaign at Table Mountain during FebruaryMarch 1997: Observations of cirrus clouds, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 1275-1287
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar, Sonde

1999, Lambert, J.C., M. Van Roozendael, M. De Mazière, P.C. Simon, J.-P. Pommereau, F. Goutail, A. Sarkissian, and J.F. Gleason, Investigations of pole-to-pole performances of spaceborne atmospheric chemistry sensors with the NDSC, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56, 176-193
Tags: Satellite, Validation

1999, Burrows, J.P., M. Weber, M. Buchwitz, V. Rozanov, A. Ladstaetter-Weissenmayer, A. Richter, and M. Eisinger, The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME): Mission Concept and First Scientific Results, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 56, 151-175
Tags: Ozone, Satellite

1995, Liley, J.B., Analytic solution of a one-dimensional equation for aerosol and gas dispersion in the stratosphere, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 3283-3288
Tags: Aerosol, Model

1994, Whiteway, J.A., Carswell, A.I., Rayleigh Lidar Ovservations of Thermal Structure and Gravity-wave Activity in the High Arctic During a Stratospheric Warning, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 51(21): 3122-3136
Tags: Arctic, Lidar, SSW, Temperature

1994, Kerr, J.B., Fast H., McElroy C.T., Oltmans S.J., Lathrop J.A., Kyro E., Paukkunen A., Claude H., Koehler U., Sreedharan C.R., Takao T., Tsukagoshi Y., The 1991 WMO International Ozonesonde Intercomparison at Vanscoy Canada, Atmospheric Ocean, 32, 685-716
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Validation

1992, Stefanutti, L., et al., The Antarctic Ozone Lidar System, Applied Physics, B55, 3-12
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1992, Stefanutti, L., et al., A Four Wavelength Depolarization Backscattering Lidar for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Monitoring, Applied Physics, B55, 13-17
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, PSC

1992, Hauchecorne, A., M.L. Chanin, P. Keckhut, and D. Nedeljkovic, Lidar monitoring of the temperature in the middle and lower atmosphere, Applied Physics, B 54, 2573-2579
Tags: Lidar, Temperature