
2022, Kille, N., K. J. Zarzana, J. Romero Alvarez, C. F. Lee, J. P. Rowe, B. Howard, T. Campos, A. Hills, R. S. Hornbrook, I. Ortega, W. Permar, I. T. Ku, J. Lindaas, I. B. Pollack, A. P. Sullivan, Y. Zhou, C. D. Fredrickson, B. B. Palm, Q. Peng, E. C. Apel, L. Hu, J. L. Collett, E. V. Fischer, F. Flocke, J. W. Hannigan, J. Thornton, and R. Volkamer, The CU Airborne Solar Occultation Flux Instrument: Performance Evaluation during BB-FLUX, ACR - Earth and Space Chemistry, 6(3), 582–596,
Tags: FTIR

2007, Cordero, R.R., Seckmeyer G., Pissulla D., DaSilva L., Uncertainty evaluation of the spectral UV irradiance evaluated by using the UVSPEC Radiative Transfer Model, Optic Communications, 276, 44-53,
Tags: Model, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance, Validation

2005, Park, C.B., et al., Long-Range Transport at Saharan Dust to East Asia Observed with Lidars, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, 1, 121-124, 2005 032
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2005, Gruzdev, A.N., Elokhov A.S., Ground-based spectrometric measurements of vertical distribution and column abundance of NO2 at Zvenigorod, Russia, SPIE, 5832, 292-299,
Tags: NO2, UVVis

1998, Elokhov, A.S., Gruzdev A.N. Measurements of column contents and vertical distribution of NO2 at Zvenigorod Scientific Station, SPIE, Vol. 3583, pp. 547-554
Tags: NO2, UVVis

1995, Elokhov, A.S., A.N. Gruzdev, Estimation of tropospheric and stratospheric NO2 from spectrometric measurements of column NO2 abundances, SPIE, 2506, 444-455
Tags: NO2, UVVis

1993, Elokhov, A.S., A.N. Gruzdev, Spectrometric measurements of of total NO2 in different regions of the globe, SPIE, 2107, 111-121
Tags: NO2, UVVis