
1997, Seckmeyer, G., Mayer B., Bernhard G., Albold A., Erb R., Jaeger H., Stockwell W.R., New Maximum UV Irradiance Levels Observed in Central Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 31, 2971-2976
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1997, Ancellet, G., M. Beekmann, Evidence for changes in the ozone concentrations in the free troposphere over Southern France from 1976 to 1995, Atmospheric Environment, 31, 2835-2851
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

1995, Beekmann, M., G.Ancellet, D.Martin, C.Abonnel, G.Duverneuil, F.Eideliman, P.Bessemoulin, N.Fritz, and E.Gizard, Intercomparison of tropospheric ozone profiles obtained by electrochemical sondes, a ground-based lidar and an airborne UV-photometer, Atmospheric Environment, 29, 1027-1042
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde, UVVis

1991, Staehelin, J., Schmid W., Trend Analysis of the tropospheric ozone concentration utilizing the 20-years data set of the ozone balloon soundings over Payerne, Atmospheric Environment, 25A, 1739-1749
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

1991, Carswell, A.I., S. R. Pal, W. Steinbrecht, J. A. Whiteway, A. Ulitsky, and T. Y. Wang, Lidar Measurements of the Middle Atmosphere, Canadian Journal of Physics, 69, 1076-1086
Tags: Lidar