
2005, Bassford, M.R., K. Strong, C.A. McLinden, and C.T. McElroy, Ground-Based Measurements of Ozone and NO2 during MANTRA 1998 Using a New Zenith-Sky Spectrometer, Atmospheric Ocean, 43 (4), 325-338
Tags: NO2, Ozone, UVVis

2000, Elokhov, A.S., Gruzdev, A.N., Nitrogen dioxide column content and vertical profile measurements at the Zvenigorod Research Station. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 36, No 6, 763-777
Tags: NO2, UVVis

1994, Kerr, J.B., Fast H., McElroy C.T., Oltmans S.J., Lathrop J.A., Kyro E., Paukkunen A., Claude H., Koehler U., Sreedharan C.R., Takao T., Tsukagoshi Y., The 1991 WMO International Ozonesonde Intercomparison at Vanscoy Canada, Atmospheric Ocean, 32, 685-716
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Validation