
2001, Orsolini, Y., G. Hansen, G.L. Manney, M. Livesey, and U.-P. Hoppe, Lagrangian re-construction of ozone column and profile at the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR) throughout the winter and spring 1997-1998, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 10,011-10,021
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

2001, Perrin, A., J.-M. Flaud, F. Keller, M. A. H. Smith, C. P. Rinsland, V. Malathy Devi, D. C. Benner, T. M. Stephen, and A. Goldman, The ?1 + ?3 Bands of the 16O17O16O and 16O16O17O Isotopomers of Ozone, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 207, 54-59
Tags: FTIR, Ozone

2001, Roscoe, H.K., J.G.T. Hill, A.E. Jones, A. Sarkissian, Improvements to the accuracy of zenith-sky measurements of total ozone by visible spectrometers II: use of daily air-mass factors, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 68, 327-336
Tags: Ozone, UVVis, Validation

2001, Roscoe, H.K., A.M. Lee, Increased stratospheric greenhouse gases could delay recovery of the ozone hole and of ozone loss at Southern mid-latitudes, Advances in Space Research, 28, 965-970
Tags: Ozone, UVVis

2001, Roscoe, H.K., K. Kreher, and U. Frieß, Ozone loss episodes in the free Antarctic troposphere, suggesting a possible climate feedback, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2911-2914
Tags: Ozone, UVVis

2001, Schulz, A., Rex, M., Harris, N. R. P., Braathen, G. O., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Kilbane-Dawe, I., Eckermann, S., Allaart, M., Alpers, M., Bojkov, B., Cisneros, J., Claude, H., Cuevas, E., Davies, J., De Backer, H., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Fast, H., Godin, S., Johnson, B., Kois, B., Kondo, Y., Kosmidis, E., Kyrö, E., Litynska, Z., Mikkelsen, I. S., Molyneux, M. J., Murphy, G., Nagai, T., Nakane, H., O'Connor, F., Parrondo, C., Schmidlin, F. J., Skrivankova, P., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yushkov, V., Zerefos, C., von der Gathen, P., Arctic ozone loss in threshold conditions: Match observations in 1997/1998 and 1998/1999, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 7,495-7,503
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2001, Steinbrecht, W., Claude, H., Köhler, U., Winkler, P., Interannual changes of total ozone and northern hemisphere circulation patterns, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1191-1194
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

2001, Suortti, T., Karhu, J., Kivi, R., Kyrö, E., Rosen, J., Kjome, N., Larsen, N., Neuber, R., Khattatov, V., Rudakov, V., Yushkov, V. and Nakane H., Evolution of the Artic stratospheric aerosol mixing ratio measured with balloon-borne aerosol backscatter sondes for years 1988-2000, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 20759-20766
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

1976, Rodgers, C.D., Retrieval of atmospheric temperature and composition from remote sounding measurements, Reviews of Geophysics, 14, 609-624
Tags: Historical, Microwave, Ozone, Temperature