
2014, di Liberto, L., F. Cairo, F. Fierli, G.Di Donfrancesco, M. Viterbini, T.Deshler, and M. Snels, Observation of polar stratospheric clouds over McMurdo (77.85S, 166.67E) (2006-2010), Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119,
Tags: Lidar, PSC

2014, Rüfenacht, R., Murk, A.; Kämpfer, N.; Eriksson, P.; Buehler, S, Middle-Atmospheric Zonal and Meridional Wind Profiles from Polar, Tropical and Midlatitudes with the Ground-Based Microwave Doppler Wind Radiometer WIRA, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 4491-4505,
Tags: Microwave, Wind

2013, Haluza, D., Moshammer, H., Simic, S., Höltge, J., and Cervinka, R., Connectedness to nature and public (skin) health perspectives: results of a representative, population-based survey among Austrian residents, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(1): 1176–1191,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

2012, Rüfenacht, R., Kämpfer, N.; Murk, A., First Middle-Atmospheric Zonal Wind Profile Measurements with a New Ground-Based Microwave Doppler-Spectro-Radiometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 2647-2659,
Tags: Microwave, Wind

2010, Selkirk, H.B., H. Vömel, J. M. Valverde Canossa, L. Pfister, J. A. Diaz, W. Fernández, J. Amador, W. Stolz, and G. S. Peng, Detailed structure of the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere as revealed by balloon sonde observations of water vapor, ozone, temperature, and winds during the NASA TCSP and TC4 campaigns, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D00J19,
Tags: H2O, Ozone, Sonde, Temperature, Wind

2010, David, C., Keckhut, P., Armetta, A., Jumelet, J., Snels, M., Marchand, M. and Bekki, S., Radiosonde stratospheric temperatures at Dumont d'Urville (Antarctica): trends and link with polar stratospheric clouds, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 813-3825
Tags: Lidar, PSC, Trends

2007, McKenzie, R.L., P.J. Aucamp, A.F. Bais, L.O. Björn, and M. Ilyas, Changes in biologically-active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth’s surface (Chapter 1 of the UNEP Effects Panel Assessment: 2006), Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 6 (UNEP Special Issue), 218-231,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

2007, Wuttke, S., Naggar, S., Bluszcz, T., Schrems, O., Ship-borne measurements of erythemal UV irradiance and ozone content in various climate zones, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 6(10), 1081-1088,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Ozone, Solar Cycle, Spectral UV

2007, Keckhut, P., C. David, M. Marchand, S. Bekki, J. Jumelet, A. Hauchecorne, and M. Höpfner, Observation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds down to the Mediterranean coast, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 5275-5281
Tags: Lidar, PSC

2007, Tanskanen, A., A. Lindfors, A. Määttä, N. Krotkov, J. Herman, J. Kaurola, T. Koskela, K. Lakkala, V. Fioletov, G. Bernhard, R. McKenzie, Y. Kondo, M. O'Neill, H. Slaper, P. den Outer, A. F. Bais, and J. Tamminen, Validation of daily erythemal doses from Ozone Monitoring Instrument with ground-based UV measurement data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D24S44,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Satellite, Spectral UV, Validation