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Tags: Climatology, Lidar

2004, Reichardt, J., A. Dornbrack, S. Reichardt, P. Yang and T. J. McGee, Mountain wave psc dynamics and microphysics from ground-based lidar measurements and meteorological modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4, 1149-1165
Tags: Lidar, Model, PSC

2004, Steinbrecht, W., Claude, H.; and Winkler, P., Enhanced Upper Stratospheric Ozone: Sign of Recovery or Solar Cycle Effect, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D02308,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

2004, Steinbrecht, W., H. Claude, P. Winkler, Reply to comment by D. M. Cunnold et al. “Enhanced upper stratospheric ozone: Sign of recovery or solar cycle effect?”, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D14306,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

2004, Steinbrecht, W., Claude, H.; Winkler, P, Reply to Comment by D.M. Cunnold et al. on "Enhanced Upper Stratospheric Ozone: Sign of Recovery or Solar Cycle Effect?", Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D02308,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

1974, Northam, G.G., J.M. Rosen, S.H. Melfi, T.J. Pepin, M.P. McCormick, D.J. Hofmann, and W.H. Fuller, Jr, A comparison of dustsonde and lidar measurements of stratospheric aerosols, Applied Optics, 13, 2416- 2421
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Sonde, Validation