
2021, Marais, E., J.F. Roberts, R.G. Ryan, H. Eskes, K.F. Boersma, S. Choi, J. Joiner, et al., New Observations of upper tropospheric NO2 from TROPOMI, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 2389–2408,
Tags: NO2, Satellite

2021, Sun, Y., Yin, H., Liu, C., Zhang, L., Cheng, Y., Palm, M., Notholt, J., Lu, X., Vigouroux, C., Zheng, B., Wang, W., Jones, N., Shan, C., Qin, M., Tian, Y., Hu, Q., Meng, F., and Liu, J., Mapping the drivers of formaldehyde (HCHO) variability from 2015 to 2019 over eastern China: insights from Fourier transform infrared observation and GEOS-Chem model simulation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6365–6387,
Tags: Model, FTIR, HCHO

2021, Verhoelst, T., S. Compernolle, G. Pinardi, J.-C. Lambert, H.J. Eskes, K.-U. Eichmann, A.M. Fjæraa, J. Granville, S. Niemeijer, A. Cede, M. Tiefengraber, F. Hendrick, A. Pazmiño, A. Bais, A. Bazureau, K. F. Boersma, K. Bognar, A. Dehn, S. Donner, A. Elokhov, M. Gebetsberger, F. Goutail, M. Grutter de la Mora, A. Gruzdev, M. Gratsea, G.H. Hansen, H. Irie, N. Jepsen, Y. Kanaya, D. Karagkiozidis, R. Kivi, K. Kreher, P.F. Levelt, C. Liu, M. Müller, M. Navarro Comas, A.J.M. Piters, J.-P. Pommereau, T. Portafaix, C. Prados-Roman, O. Puentedura, R. Querel, J. Remmers, A. Richter, J. Rimmer, C. Rivera Cárdenas, L. Saavedra de Miguel, V. P. Sinyakov, W. Stremme, K. Strong, M. Van Roozendael, J.P. Veefkind, T. Wagner, F. Wittrock, M. Yela González, and C. Zehner, Ground-based validation of the Copernicus Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 measurements with the NDACC ZSL-DOAS, MAX-DOAS and Pandonia global networks, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 481–510,
Tags: UVVis, Satellite, NO2

2021, Gruzdev, A.N., Elokhov A.S. , Changes in the column content and vertical distribution of NO2 according to the results of 30-year measurements at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 57 (1), 91–103,
Tags: UVVis, NO2

2021, Verhoelst, T., Compernolle, S., Pinardi, G., Lambert, J.-C., Eskes, H. J., Eichmann, K.-U., Fjæraa, A. M., Granville, J., Niemeijer, S., Cede, A., Tiefengraber, M., Hendrick, F., Pazmiño, A., Bais, A., Bazureau, A., Boersma, K. F., Bo Marais, E. A., Roberts, J. F., Ryan, R. G., Eskes, H., Boersma, K. F., Choi, S., Joiner, J., Abuhassan, N., Redondas, A., Grutter, M., Cede, A., Gomez, L., and Navarro-Comas, M, New observations of NO2 in the upper troposphere from TROPOMI, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 2389–2408,
Tags: UVVis, Satellite, NO2

2021, Lamy, K., Portafaix, T., Brogniez, C., Lakkala, K., Pitkänen, M. R. A., Arola, A., Forestier, J.-B., Amelie, V., Toihir, M. A. & Rakotoniaina, S., UV-Indien network: ground-based measurements dedicated to the monitoring of UV radiation over the western Indian Ocean, Earth System Science Data, 13(9), 4275-4301,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

2021, Brogniez, C., Doré, J.-F., Auriol, F., Cesarini, P., Minvielle, F., Deroo, C., Catalfamo, M., Metzger, J.-M. & Da Conceicao, P., Erythemal and vitamin D weighted solar UV dose-rates and doses estimated from measurements in mainland France and on Réunion Island, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 225(112330),
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV, Vitamin D

2021, Pinardi, G., Van Roozendael, M., Hendrick, F., Theys, N., Abuhassan, N., Bais, A., Boersma, F., Cede, A., Chong, J., Donner, S., Drosoglou, T., Dzhola, A., Eskes, H., Frieß, U., Granville, J., Herman, J. R., Holla, R., Hovila, J., Irie, H., Kanaya, Y., Karagkiozidis, D., Kouremeti, N., Lambert, J.-C., Ma, J., Peters, E., Piters, A., Postylyakov, O., Richter, A., Remmers, J., Takashima, H., Tiefengraber, M., Valks, P., Vlemmix, T., Wagner, T., and Wittrock, F, Validation of tropospheric NO2 column measurements of GOME-2A and OMI using MAX-DOAS and direct sun network observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 6141–6174,
Tags: UVVis, Satellite, CalVal, NO2

2020, Wang, H.J., R., Damadeo, R., Flittner, D., Kramarova, N., Taha, G., Davis, S., Thompson, A., Strahan S., Wang, Y., Froidevaux, L., Degenstein, D., Bourassa, A., Steinbrecht, W., Walker, K. A., Querel, R., Leblanc, T., Godin-Beekmann, S., Hurst, D., and Hall, E., Validation of SAGE III/ISSsolar occultation ozone products with correlative satellite and ground based measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032430,
Tags: Model, NO2, UVVis

2020, Garcia, O., et al., Monitoring of atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide concentrations from Metop/IASI, Revista de Teledetección, 57, 1–11,
Tags: FTIR, Satellite, CH4, NO2