
2005, Buehler, S.A., Eriksson, P., Kuhn, T., von Engeln, A., and Verdes, C., ARTS, the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 91(1), 65-93,
Tags: CH4, CO2, FTIR, Model, Satellite

2005, Bernardo, C., D.W.T. Griffith, Fourier transform spectrometer instrument lineshape (ILS) retrieval by Fourier deconvolution, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 95 (2), 141-150
Tags: FTIR

2005, Barret, B., Hurtmans D., Carleer M. R., De Mazière, M., Mahieu E., Coheur P.-F., Line narrowing effect on the retrieval of HF and HCl vertical profiles from ground-based FTIR measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 95, 499-519
Tags: FTIR, HCl, HF

2005, David, C., S. Bekki, N. Berdunov, M. Marchand, M. Snels and G. Mégie, Analysis of the water vapor Lidar measurements during the MAP campaign: evidence of sub-structures of stratospheric intrusions, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 67, (3) 293-300
Tags: Lidar, PSC

2004, Meier, A., A. Goldman, P. Manning, T. Stephen, C. Rinsland, N.B. Jones, and S.W. Wood, Improvements to Air Mass Calculations for Ground-Based Infrared Measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 83 (1), 109-113
Tags: FTIR

2004, Hase, F., J.W. Hannigan, M.T. Coffey, A. Goldman, M. Höpfner, N.B. Jones, C.P. Rinsland, S.W. Wood, Intercomparison of retrieval codes used for the analysis of high-resolution, ground-based FTIR measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 87, 25–52
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR, Validation

2004, Gerrard, A.J., T. J. Kane, J. P. Thayer, and S. D. Eckermann, Concerning the Upper Stratospheric Gravity Wave and Mesospheric Cloud Relationship Over Sondrestrom, Greenland, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66, 229-240
Tags: Clouds, Lidar

2004, Denis, L., Roscoe, H. K.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Van Roozendael, M. and Goutail, F., A new software suite for NO2 vertical profile retrieval from ground-based zenith-sky spectrometers, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 92(3), 321-333
Tags: Algorithm, NO2, UVVis

2003, Wu, D.L., W.G. Read, Z. Shippony, T. Leblanc, T.J. Duck, D.A. Ortland, R.J. Sica, P.S. Argall, J. Oberheide, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, C.Y. She, and D.A. Krueger, Mesospheric Temperature from UARS MLS: Retrieval and Validation, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65, 245-267
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

2003, Urban, J., Baron, P. Lautié, N., Dassas, K., Schneider, N. Ricaud, P., and de La Noë, J., MOLIERE (v5): A versatile forward- and inversion model for the millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength range, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 83(3-4), 529-554
Tags: Algorithm, Microwave