
2004, Deuber, B., Kämpfer, N., Minimized standing waves in microwave radiometer balancing calibration, Radio Science, 39, RS1009,
Tags: Microwave

1995, Sica, R.J., et al., Lidar Measurements Taken with a Large-Aperture Liquid Mirror.1. Rayleigh-Scatter System, Optics, 34, 6925-6936
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1993, Finger, F.G., M. E. Gelman, J. D. Wild, M. L. Chanin, A. Hauchecorne and A. J. Miller, Evaluation of NMC upper-stratospheric temperature analyses using rocketsonde and lidar data, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 789-799
Tags: Lidar, Rocket, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

1988, Parrish, A., R.L. de Zafra, P.M. Solomon, and J.W. Barrett, A ground-based technique for millimeter wave spectroscopic observations of stratospheric trace constituents, Radio Science, 23, 106-118
Tags: Microwave