
2021, Ionov, D.V., Makarova, M. V., Hase, F., Foka, S. C., Kostsov, V. S., Alberti, C., Blumenstock, T., Warneke, T., and Virolainen, Y. A., The CO2 integral emission by the megacity of St Petersburg as quantified from ground-based FTIR measurements combined with dispersion modelling, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 10939–10963,
Tags: FTIR, CO2

2021, Roche, S., K. Strong, D. Wunch, J. Mendonca, C. Sweeney, B. Baier, S. C. Biraud, J.L. Laughner, G.C. Toon, and B.J. Connor, Retrieval of atmospheric CO2 vertical profiles from ground-based near-infrared spectra, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 3087–3118,
Tags: FTIR, CO2

2021, You, Y., B. Byrne, O. Colebatch, R.L. Mittermeier, F. Vogel, and K. Strong, Quantifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on CO, CO2, and CH4 in downtown Toronto using open-path Fourier transform spectroscopy, Atmosphere, 12(7), 848,
Tags: FTIR, CO, CO2, CH4

2021, Puķīte, J., Borger, C., Dörner, S., Gu, M., Frieß, U., Meier, A. C., Enell, C.-F., Raffalski, U., Richter, A., and Wagner, T., Retrieval algorithm for OClO from TROPOMI (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument) by differential optical absorption spectroscopy, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 7595–7625,
Tags: Algorithm, OClO, Satellite, UVVis

2021, Karlovets, E.V., I.E. Gordon, L.S. Rothman, R. Hashemi, R.J. Hargreaves, G.C. Toon, A. Campargue, V.I. Perevalov, P. Cermak, M. Birk, G. Wagner, J.T. Hodges, J. Tennyson, S.N. Yurchenko, The update of the line positions and intensities in the line list of carbon dioxide for the HITRAN2020 spectroscopic database, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 276, 107896,
Tags: CO2, FTIR

2020, Ohyama, H., Isamu Morino, Voltaire A. Velazco, Theresa Klausner, Gerry Bagtasa, Matthäus Kiel, Matthias Frey, Akihiro Hori, Osamu Uchino, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Nicholas Deutscher, Joshua P. DiGangi, Yonghoon Choi, Glenn S. Diskin, Sally E. Pusede, Alina Fiehn, Anke Roiger, Michael Lichtenstern, Hans Schlager, Pao K. Wang, Charles C.-K. Cho, Maria Dolores Andrés-Hernández, and John P. Burrows, Validation of XCO2 and XCH4 retrieved from a portable Fourier transform spectrometer with those from in-situ profiles from aircraft borne instruments, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 5149–5163,
Tags: CH4, CO2, FTIR, Validation

2020, Byrne, B., J. Liu, M. Lee, I. Baker, K. W. Bowman, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, D. W. T. Griffith, L. T. Iraci, M. Kiel, J. S. Kimball, C. E. Miller, I. Morino, N. C. Parazoo, C. Petri, C. M. Roehl, M. K. Sha, K. Strong, V. A. Velazco, P. O. Wennberg, D. Wunch, Improved constraints on northern extratropical CO2 fluxes obtained by combining surface-based and space-based atmospheric CO2 measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032029,
Tags: CO2, FTIR, Satellite

2020, Oshio, H., Yukio Yoshida, Tsuneo Matsunaga, Nicholas M. Deutscher, Manvendra Dubey, David W.T. Griffith, Frank Hase, Laura T. Iraci, Rigel Kivi, Cheng Liu, Isamu Morino, Justus Notholt, Young-Suk Oh, Hirofumi Ohyama, Christof Petri, David F. Pollard, Coleen Roehl, Kei Shiomi, Ralf Sussmann, Yao Té, Voltaire A. Velazco, Thorsten Warneke, Debra Wunch, Bias correction of the ratio of total column CH4 to CO2 retrieved from GOSAT spectra, Remote Sensing, 12, 3155,
Tags: CH4, CO2, FTIR, Satellite

2020, Reuter, M., M. Buchwitz, O. Schneising, S. Noël, H. Bovensmann, J.P. Burrows, H. Boesch, A. Di Noia, J. Anand, R.J. Parker, P. Somkuti, L. Wu, O.P. Hasekamp, I. Aben, A. Kuze, H. Suto, K. Shiomi, Y. Yoshida, I. Morino, D. Crisp, C. O'Dell, J. Notholt, C. Petri, T. Warneke, V. Velazco, N.M. Deutscher, D.W.T. Griffith, R. Kivi, D. Pollard, F. Hase, R. Sussmann, Y.V. Té,K. Strong, S. Roche, M.K. Sha, M. De Mazière, D.G. Feist, L.T. Iraki, C. Roehl, C. Retscher, and D. Schepers, Ensemble-based satellite-derived carbon dioxide and methane column-averaged dry-air mole fraction data sets (2003–2018) for carbon and climate applications, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 789-819,
Tags: CH4, CO2, FTIR, Satellite

2020, Sussmann, R., Rettinger, M., Can We Measure a COVID-19–Related Slowdown in Atmospheric CO2 Growth? Sensitivity of Total Carbon Column Observations, Remote Sensing, 12(15), 2387,
Tags: FTIR, CO2