
1995, Notholt, J., O. Schrems, Ground-based FTIR spectroscopic absorption measurements of stratospheric trace gases with the sun and moon as light sources, Journal of Molecular Structure, 347, 407-416
Tags: FTIR

1992, Uchino, O., Fujimoto, T., Lidar Measurements of Ozone and Temperature in the Stratosphere at Tsukuba (36.1 Degrees N, 140.1 Degrees E) During Dyana Campaign, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 44, 1061-1070
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Temperature

1992, Nakane, H., S. Hayashida, Y. Sasano, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui and A. Minato, Vertical profiles of temperature and ozone observed during DYANA campaign with the NIES ozone lidar system at Tsukuba, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 44, 1071-1083
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Temperature