
1997, Steinbrecht, W., H. Jäger, A. Adriani, G. di Donfrancesco, J. Barnes, G. Beyerle, R. Neuber, C. David, S. Godin, D. Donovan, A. I. Carswell, M. Gross, T. McGee, F. Masci, A. D‚ Altorio, V. Rizi, G. Visconti, I. S. McDermid, G. Mégie, A. Mielke, B. Stein, C. Wedkind, T. Nagai, O. Uchino, H. Nakane, M. Osborn, and D. Winker, NDSC Intercomparison of Stratospheric Aerosol Processing Algorithms, Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar, Ansmann, A., Neuber, R., Rairoux, P., Wandinger, U. (eds). Springer New York-Berlin-Heidelberg, 501-504
Tags: Aerosol, Algorithm, Lidar, Validation

1997, Sussmann, R., et al., Infrared spectroscopy of tropospheric trace gases: combined analysis of horizontal and vertical column abundances, Applied Optics, 36, 735-741
Tags: FTIR

1997, Thayer, J.P., N. B. Nielsen, R. Warren, C. J. Heinselman, and J. Sohn, Rayleigh lidar system for middle atmosphere research in the arctic, Optical Engineering, 36, 2045-2061
Tags: Lidar

1997, Whiteway, J.A., T. J. Duck, D. P. Donovan, J. C. Bird, S. R. Pal, and A. I. Carswell, Measurements of gravity wave activity within and around the Arctic stratospheric vortex, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 3389-3492
Tags: Lidar

1997, Zander, R., P. Demoulin, E. Mahieu, G. Roland, L. Delbouille, and C. Servais, Total Vertical Column Abundances of Atmospheric Gases Derived from IR Remote Solar Observations made at the Jungfraujoch Station, , in Transport and Chemical Transformation of pollutants in the Troposphere, Vol. 6 - Tropospheric Ozone Research, Østein Hov Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 413-425
Tags: FTIR

1997, Zhao, Y., Y. Kondo, F.J. Murcray, X. Liu, M. Koike, K. Kita, H. Nakajima, I. Murata, and K. Suzuki, Carbon monoxide column abundances and tropospheric concentrations retrieved from high resolution ground-based infrared solar spectra at 43.5N over Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 23403-23411
Tags: CO, FTIR