
2008, Johnson, B.J., Helmig, H., and S. Oltmans, Evaluation of ozone measurements from a tethered balloon-sampling platform at South Pole Station in December 2003, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2780-2787,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2008, Delcloo, A., H. De Backer, Five day 3D backward trajectories clusters and trends analysis for the Uccle ozone sounding time series in the troposphere (1969-2001), Atmospheric Environment, 42, 4419-4432,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

2007, Nagahama, Y., K. Suzuki, The influence of forest fires on CO, HCN, C2H6, and C2H2 over northern Japan measured by infrared solar spectroscopy, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 9570–9579
Tags: C2H2, C2H6, CO, FTIR, HCN

2007, Iopaolo, M., S. Godin-Beekmann, F. Del Frate, S. Casadio, M. Petitdidier, I. S. McDermid and D. P. J. Swart, GOME Ozone Profiles Retrieved by Neural Network Techniques: A Global Validation with Lidar Measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 107, 105-119,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2007, Goldman, A., R.H. Tipping, Q. Ma, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, P. Demoulin, F. Hase, M. Schneider, J.W. Hannigan, M.T. Coffey and C.P. Rinsland, On the line parameters for the (1–0) infrared quadrupolar transitions of 14N2, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 103, 168-174
Tags: FTIR, N2

2007, Barnes, J.E., N. C. Parikh Sharma and Trevor B. Kaplan, Atmospheric aerosol profiling with a bistatic imaging lidar system, Applied Optics, 46, 2922-2929
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2006, Tran, H., P.-M. Flaud, T. Gabard, F. Hase, T. von Clarmann, C. Camy-Peyret, S. Payan and J.-M. Hartmann, Model, software and database for line-mixing effects in the nue-3 and nue-4 bands of CH4 and tests using laboratory and planetary measurements--I: N2 (and air) broadenings and the earth atmosphere, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 101, 284-305
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Model, N2

2006, Sugimoto, N., C. H. Lee, Characteristics of dust particles inferred from lidar depolarization measurements at two-wavelengths, Applied Optics, 45, (28), 7468-7474
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2006, Rinsland, C.P., A. Goldman, J.W. Elkins, L.S. Chiou, J.W. Hannigan, S.W. Wood, E. Mahieu, and R. Zander, Long-term trend of CH at northern mid-latitudes: Comparisons between ground-based infrared solar and surface sampling measurements, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 97, 457-466
Tags: CH, FTIR, Trends

2006, Park, C.B., H. Nakane, N. Sugimoto, I. Matsui, Y. Sasano, Y. Fujinuma, I. Ikeuchi, J. Kurokawa and N. Furuhashi, Algorithm improvement and validation of National Institute for Environmental Studies ozone differential absorption lidar at the Tsukuba Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change complementary station, Applied Optics, 45-15, 3561-3576
Tags: Algorithm, Lidar, Ozone, Validation