
2022, Di Girolamo, P., F. Pini, G. Piras, The effect of COVID-19 on the distribution of PM10 pollution classes of vehicles: Comparison between 2020 and 2018, Science of the Total Environment, 811, 152036
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar

2022, Trieu, T.T.N., I. Morino, O. Uchino, Y. Tsutsumi, T. Sakai, T. Nagai, A. Yamazaki, H. Okumura, K. Arai, K. Shiomi, D.F. Pollard, B. Liley , Influences of aerosols and thin cirrus clouds on GOSAT XCO2 and XCH4 using Total Carbon Column Observing Network, sky radiometer, and lidar data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43:5, 1770-1799,
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, FTIR, Lidar, Satellite, UVVis, XCH4, XCO2

2022, Chang, K., Cooper O., Gaudel A., Allaart M., Ancellet G., Clark H., Godin-Beekmann S., Leblanc T., van Malderen R., Nédélec P., Petropavlovskikh I. et al., Impact of the COVID‐19 Economic Downturn on Tropospheric Ozone Trends: An Uncertainty Weighted Data Synthesis for Quantifying Regional Anomalies Above Western North America and Europe, AGU Advances, 3 (2), pp.e2021AV000542,
Tags: COVID, Lidar, Ozone, Trends

2022, Sullivan, J., A. Apituley, N. Mettig, K. Kreher, K.E. Knowland, M. Allart, A. Piters et al., Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone Profiles during the 2019 TROpomi vaLIdation eXperiment (TROLIX-19), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 11137–11153,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2022, Steinbrecht, W. , Leblanc, T, Lidars in the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) and the Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet), Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change, pp. 1-24, Ed. Springer Nature,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

2022, Ancellet, G., Godin-Beekmann S., Smit H., Stauffer R., van Malderen R., Bodichon R., Pazmino A., Homogenization of the Observatoire de Haute Provence electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde data record: comparison with lidar and satellite observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15 (10), pp.3105-3120,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2022, Di Paolantonio, M., Dionisi, D., and Liberti, G. L., A semi-automated procedure for the emitter–receiver geometry characterization of motor-controlled lidars, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 1217–1231,
Tags: Lidar

2021, Snels, M., Francesco Cairo, Luca Di Liberto, Andrea Scoccione, Marco Bracaglia, Terry Deshler, Comparison of Coincident Optical Particle Counter and Lidar Measurements of Polar Stratospheric Clouds above McMurdo (77.85S, 166.67E) from 1994 to 1999, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, 6
Tags: Lidar, PSC

2021, Martucci, G., Navas-Guzmán, F., Renaud, L., Romanens, G., Gamage, S. M., Hervo, M., Jeannet, P., and Haefele, A., Validation of pure rotational Raman temperature data from the Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observations (RALMO) at Payerne, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1333–1353,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2021, Svendby, T.M., Johnsen, B., Kylling, A., Dahlback, A., Bernhard, G. H., Hansen, G. H., Petkov, B., and Vitale, V, GUV long-term measurements of total ozone column and effective cloud transmittance at three Norwegian site, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 7881–7899,
Tags: Clouds, Ozone, UVVis