
2008, Schönhardt, A., Richter, A., Wittrock, F., Kirk, H., Oetjen, H., Roscoe, H. K. and Burrows, J. P., Observations of iodine monoxide (IO) columns from satellite, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 637-653
Tags: IO, Satellite, UVVis

2001, Frieß, U., T. Wagner, I. Pundt, K. Pfeilsticker, and U. Platt, Spectroscopic measurements of tropospheric iodine oxide at Neumayer station, Antarctica, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1941-1944
Tags: IO, UVVis

2000, Wittrock, F., R. M Muller, A. Richter, H. Bovensmann, and J.P. Burrows, Observations of Iodine monoxide above Spitsbergen, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 1471-1474
Tags: IO, UVVis

1998, Pundt, I., J.P. Pommereau, C. Phillips and E. Lateltin, Upper limit of iodine oxide in the lower stratosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 30, 173-185
Tags: IO, UVVis

1995, Notholt, J., Meier, A., Peil, S., Total Column Densitites of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Trace Gases in the Undisturbed Arctic Summer Atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 20(3), 311-332
Tags: Arctic, FTIR, Seasonal

1995, Aellig, C.P., Kampfer, N., Hauchecorne, A., Variability of Mesospheric CO in the Fall and Winter as Observed with Ground-based Microwave Radiomety at 115 GHz, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D7): 14125-14130
Tags: CO, Microwave, Seasonal

1995, Vanallen, R., Liu, X., Murcray, F.J, Seasonal Variation of Atmospheric Nitric Acid over the South Pole in 1992, Geophysical Research Letters, 22(1): 49-52
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Polar

1995, Vomel, H., Oltmans, S.J., Hofmann, D.J., Deshler, T, Rosen, J.M., The Evolution of the Dehydration in the Antarctic Stratospheric Vortex, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D7): 13919-13926
Tags: H2O, Polar, Sonde

1994, Rosenfield, J.E., Newman, P.A., Scheoberl, M.R., Computations of Diabatic Descent in the Stratospheric Polar Vortex, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 99(D8): 16677-16689
Tags: Model, Polar

1994, Rinsland, C.P., Goldman, A., Murcray, F.J., David, S.J., Blatherwick, R.D., et al., Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements of the Ethane (C2H6) Total Column Abundance above Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Seasonal Variations, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 53(3-4): 273-279
Tags: C2H6, FTIR, Seasonal