
2018, Wing, R., Alain Hauchecorne, Philippe Keckhut, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Sergey Khaykin, Emily M. McCullough, Jean-François Mariscal, and Éric d'Almeida, Lidar temperature series in the middle atmosphere as a reference data set. Part 1: Improved retrievals and a 20 years cross-validation of two co-located French lidars, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 5531–5547,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature, Validation

2018, Trieu, T.T.N., Morino, I.; Ohyama, H.; Uchino, O.; Sussmann, R.; Warneke, T.; Petri, C.; Kivi, R.; Hase, F.; Pollard, D.F.; Deutscher, N.M.; Velazco, V.A.; Iraci, L.T.; Podolske, J.R.; Dubey, M.K., Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for GOSAT SWIR XH2O Using TCCON data, Remote Sensing, 11, 290
Tags: FTIR, Satellite, Validation

2018, Thompson, A.M., Smit H.G, Witte J.C, Stauffer R.M, Johnson B.J, Morris G, Gathen P.V, Malderen R.V, Davies J, Piters A, Allaart M, Posny F, Kivi R, Cullis P, Anh N.T, Corrales E, Machinini T, Silva F.R, Paiman G, Thiongo K, Zainal Z, Brothers G.B, Wolff K.R, Nakano T, Stübi R, Romanens G, Coetzee G.J, Diaz J.A, Mitro S, Mohamad M.Â, Ogino S, Ozonesonde Quality Assurance, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Validation

2018, Koehler, U., S. Nevas, G. McConville, R. Evans, M. Smid, M. Stanek, A. Redondas, and F. Schaenenborn, Optical Characterization of Three Reference Dobsons in the ATMOZ Project: Verification of G.M.B.. Dobson’s Original Specifications, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 1989 – 1999,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Validation

2018, Keppens, A., Jean-Christopher Lambert, José Granville, Tijl Verhoelst, Steven Compernolle, Anne Boynard, Juliette Hadji-Lazaro, Cathy Clerbaux, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, et al., Quality assessment of the Ozone_cci Climate Research Data Package (release 2017) : 2. Ground-based validation of nadir ozone profile data products, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 3769-3800,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

2018, Garcia, R.D., Barreto, A., Cuevas, E., Gröbner, J., García, O. E., Gómez-Peláez, A., Romero-Campos, P. M., Redondas, A., Cachorro, V. E., and Ramos, R., Comparison of observed and modeled cloud-free longwave downward radiation (2010–2016) at the high mountain BSRN Izaña station, Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 2139-2152,
Tags: CH4, FTIR, N2O, Satellite, Validation

2017, Sterling, C.W., B. J. Johnson, S. J., Oltmans, H. G. J. Smit, A., Jordan, P. D., Cullis, E. G., Hall, A. M., Thompson, and J. C. Witte, Homogenizing and Estimating the Uncertainty in NOAA's Long Term Vertical Ozone Profile Records Measured with the Electrochemical Concentration Cell Ozonesonde, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Validation

2017, Peters, E., Gaia Pinardi, André Seyler, Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock, Tim Bösch, Michel Van Roozendael, François Hendrick, Theano Drosoglou, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Yugo Kanaya, Xiaoyi Zhao, Kimberly Strong, Johannes Lampel, Rainer Volkamer, Theodore Koenig, Ivan Ortega, Olga Puentedura, Mónica NavarroComas, Laura Gómez, Margarita Yela González, Ankie Piters, Julia Remmers, Yang Wang, Thomas Wagner, Shanshan Wang, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, David García-Nieto, Carlos A. Cuevas, Nuria Benavent, Richard Querel, Paul Johnston, Oleg Postylyakov, Alexander Borovski, Alexander Elokhov, Ilya Bruchkouski, Haoran Liu, Cheng Liu, Qianqian Hong, Claudia Rivera, Michel Grutter, Wolfgang Stremme, M. Fahim Khokhar, Junaid Khayyam, and John P. Burrows, Investigating differences in DOAS retrieval codes using MAD-CAT campaign data, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 955–978,
Tags: UVVis, Validation

2017, Olsen, K.S., Strong, K., Walker, K. A., Boone, C. D., Raspollini, P., Plieninger, J., Bader, W., Conway, S., Grutter, M., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Jones, N., de Maziere, M., Notholt, J., Schneider, M., Smale, D., Sussmann, R., and Saitoh, N, Comparison of the GOSAT TANSO-FTS TIR CH4 volume mixing ratio vertical profiles with those measured by ACE-FTS, ESA MIPAS, IMK-IAA MIPAS, and 16 NDACC stations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 3697-3718,
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Satellite, Validation

2017, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., The SPARC water vapor assessment II: intercomparison of satellite and ground-based microwave measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 14543-14558
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Satellite, Validation