
2022, Shan, C., Wang, W., Xie, Y., Wu, P., Xu, J., Zeng, X., Zha, L., Zhu, Q., Sun, Y., Hu, Q., Liu, C., and Jones, N., Observations of atmospheric CO2 and CO based on in-situ and ground-based remote sensing measurements at Hefei site, Science of the Total Environment, 851, 158188,
Tags: CO, CO2, FTIR

2021, Stubi, R., Schill, H., Klausen, J., Maillard Barras, E., Haefele, A., A fully automated Dobson sun spectrophotometer for total column ozone and Umkehr measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 5757–5769,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Umkehr

2021, Adame, J.A., O. Puentedura, L. Gómez, L. Condorí, G. Carbajal, M.E. Barlasina, M. Yela, Patterns and trends of ozone and carbon monoxide at Ushuaia (Argentina) observatory, Atmospheric Research, 255, 105551,
Tags: CO, Ozone, UVVis

2021, Zhou, M., Jiang J, Langerock B, Dils B, Sha MK, De Mazière M, Change of CO Concentration Due to the COVID-19 Lockdown in China Observed by Surface and Satellite Observations, Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1129,
Tags: FTIR, CO

2021, von der Gathen, P., Kivi, R., Wohltmann, I. et al., Climate change favours large seasonal loss of Arctic ozone, Nature Communications, 725708,
Tags: Arctic, Ozone

2021, Sha, M., B. Langerock, J.-F. L. Blavier, T. Blumenstock, T. Borsdorff, M. Buschmann, A. Dehn, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, O. E. García, D. W. T. Griffith, M. Grutter, J. W. Hannigan, F. Hase, P. Heikkinen, C. Hermans, L. T. Iraci, P. Jeseck, N. Jones, R. Kivi, N. Kumps, J. Landgraf, A. Lorente, E. Mahieu, M. V. Makarova, J. Mellqvist, J.-M. Metzger, I. Morino, T. Nagahama, J. Notholt, H. Ohyama, I. Ortega, M. Palm, C. Petri, D. F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, J. Robinson, S. Roche, C. M. Roehl, A. N. Röhling, C. Rousogenous, M. Schneider, K. Shiomi, D. Smale, W. Stremme, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, Y. Té, O. Uchino, V. A. Velazco, C. Vigouroux, M. Vrekoussis, P. Wang, T. Warneke, T. Wizenberg, D. Wunch, S. Yamanouchi, Y. Yang, and M. Zhou, Validation of methane and carbon monoxide from Sentinel-5 Precursor using TCCON and NDACC-IRWG stations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6249–6304,
Tags: CalVal, CH4, CO, FTIR

2021, Tu, Q., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., Schneider, M., Schneider, A., Kivi, R., Heikkinen, P., Ertl, B., Diekmann, C., Khosrawi, F., Sommer, M., Borsdorff, T., and Raffalski, U., Intercomparison of arctic XH2O observations from three ground-based Fourier transform infrared networks and application for satellite validation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1993–2011,
Tags: FTIR, Arctic, XH2O, Satellite

2021, You, Y., B. Byrne, O. Colebatch, R.L. Mittermeier, F. Vogel, and K. Strong, Quantifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on CO, CO2, and CH4 in downtown Toronto using open-path Fourier transform spectroscopy, Atmosphere, 12(7), 848,
Tags: FTIR, CO, CO2, CH4

2021, Wizenberg, T., K. Strong, K. Walker, E. Lutsch, T. Borsdorff, and J. Landgraf, Intercomparison of CO measurements from TROPOMI, ACE-FTS, and a high-Arctic ground-based Fourier transform spectrometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 7707-7728,
Tags: CO, FTIR, Satellite

2021, John, S.S., N. M. Deutscher, C. Paton-Walsh, V. A. Velazco, N. B. Jones and D. W. T. Griffith, 2019–20 Australian Bushfires and Anomalies in Carbon Monoxide Surface and Column Measurements, Atmosphere, 12(6), 755,
Tags: FTIR, Fire, CO