
2022, Weber, M., Arosio, C., Coldewey-Egbers, M., Fioletov, V. E., Frith, S. M., Wild, J. D., Tourpali, K., Burrows, J. P., and Loyola, D., Global total ozone recovery trends attributed to ozone-depleting substance (ODS) changes derived from five merged ozone datasets, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 6843–6859,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Trends

2022, Tinney, E.N., C.R. Homeyer, L. Elizalde, D.F. Hurst, A.M. Thompson, R.M. Stauffer, H. Vömel, and H.B. Selkirk, A modern approach to a stability-based definition of the tropopause, Monthly Weather Review, 150, 3151-3174,
Tags: H2O, Ozone, Sonde

2022, Bahramvash Shams, S., V. P. Walden, J. W. Hannigan, W. J. Randel, I. V. Petropavlovskikh, A. H. Butler, and A. de la Cámara, Analyzing ozone variations and uncertainties at high latitudes during sudden stratospheric warming events using MERRA-2, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22.8, 5435–5458,
Tags: Model, Ozone

2022, Bernhard, G.H., McKenzie, R.L., Lantz, K. et al., Updated analysis of data from Palmer Station, Antarctica (64° S), and San Diego, California (32° N), confirms large effect of the Antarctic ozone hole on UV radiation, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 21, 373–384,
Tags: Ozone, Polar, Spectral UV, UVB

2022, Garcia, O.E., Sanromá, E., Hase, F., Schneider, M., León-Luis, S. F., Blumenstock, T., Sepúlveda, E., Torres, C., Prats, N., Redondas, A., and Carreño, V, Impact of instrumental line shape characterization on ozone monitoring by FTIR spectrometry, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 4547–4567,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone

2021, Hubert, D., K.-P. Heue, J-C. Lambert, T. Verhoelst, M. Allaart, S. Compernolle, P. D. Cullis, A. Dehn, C. Félix, B. J. Johnson, A. Keppens, D. E. Kollonige, C. Lerot, D. Loyola, M. Mohamad, F. R. daSilva, A. Piters, H. Selkirk, A. M. Thompson, J. P. Veefkind, H. Vömel, J. C. Witte, C. Zehner, TROPOMI tropospheric ozone column data: Geophysical assessment and comparison to ozonesondes, GOME-2B and OMI, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 7405–7433,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, Validation

2021, Cazorla, M., R. Parra, E. Herrera, and F. R. da Silva, Characterizing ozone throughout the atmospheric column over the tropical Andes from in situ and remote sensing observations, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1),
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2021, Tritscher, I., Michael C. Pitts, Lamont R. Poole, Simon P. Alexander, Francesco Cairo, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Jens-Uwe Gross, Michael Hoepfner, Alyn Lambert, Beiping Luo, Sergey Molleker, Andrew Orr, Ross Salawitch, Marcel Snels, Reinhold Spang, Wolfgang Woiwode, Thomas Peter, Polar Stratospheric Clouds: Satellite Observations, Processes, and Role in Ozone Depletion, Reviews of Geophysics, 59,
Tags: Lidar, PSC, Ozone

2021, Sauvageat, E. , R. Albers, M. Kotiranta, K. Hocke, R. M. Gomez, G. Nedoluha, and A. Murk, Comparison of Three High Resolution Real-Time Spectrometers for Microwave Ozone Profiling Instruments, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 10045-10056,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Validation

2021, Mettig, N., Weber, M., Rozanov, A., Arosio, C., Burrows, J. P., Veefkind, P., Thompson, A. M., Querel, R., Leblanc, T., Godin-Beekmann, S., Kivi, R., and Tully, M. B., Ozone profile retrieval from nadir TROPOMI measurements in the UV range, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6057–6082,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde