
2021, Dogniaux, M., C. Crevoisier, R. Armante, V. Capelle, T. Delahaye, V. Cassé, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D.G. Feist, O.E. Garcia, D.W.T. Griffith, F. Hase, L.T. Iraci, R. Kivi, I. Morino, J. Notholt, D.F. Pollard, C.M. Roehl, K. Shiomi, K. Strong, Y. Té, V.A. Velazco, and T. Warneke, The Adaptable 4A Inversion (5AI): description and first XCO2 retrievals from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 4689–4706,
Tags: FTIR, Satellite, XCO2

2021, Massie, S.T., et al., Analysis of 3D cloud effects in OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1475–1499,
Tags: FTIR, XCO2

2021, Noel, S., et al., XCO2 retrieval for GOSAT and GOSAT-2 based on the FOCAL algorithm, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 3837–3869,
Tags: FTIR, XCO2

2021, Tu, Q., Hase, F., Blumenstock, T., Schneider, M., Schneider, A., Kivi, R., Heikkinen, P., Ertl, B., Diekmann, C., Khosrawi, F., Sommer, M., Borsdorff, T., and Raffalski, U., Intercomparison of arctic XH2O observations from three ground-based Fourier transform infrared networks and application for satellite validation, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1993–2011,
Tags: FTIR, Arctic, XH2O, Satellite

2021, Tu, Q., F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, M. Schneider, A. Schneider, R. Kivi, P. Heikkinen, B. Ertl, C. Diekmann, F. Khosrawi, M. Sommer, T. Borsdorff, and U. Raffalski, Intercomparison of arctic xh2o observations from three ground-based Fourier transform infrared networks and application for satellite validation, , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(3), 1993-2011,
Tags: FTIR, Polar, Satellite, Sonde, XH2O

2020, Yang, D., et al., Toward high precision XCO2 retrievals from TanSat observations: Retrieval improvement and validation against TCCON measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032794,
Tags: FTIR, XCO2

2019, Mendonca, J., K. Strong, D. Wunch, G.C. Toon, D.A. Long, J.T. Hodges, V.T. Sironneau, and J.E. Franklin, Using a speed-dependent Voigt line shape to retrieve O2 from Total Carbon Column Observing Network solar spectra to improve measurements of XCO2, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 35-50,
Tags: FTIR, O2, XCO2

2019, Hedelius, J.K., He, T.-L., Jones, D. B. A., Buchholz, R. R., De Mazière, M., Deutscher, N. M., Dubey, M. K., Feist, D. G., Griffith, D. W. T., Hase, F., Iraci, L. T., Jeseck, P., Kiel, M., Kivi, R., Liu, C., Morino, I., Notholt, J., Oh, Y.-S., Ohyama, H., Pollard, D. F., Rettinger, M., Roche, S., Roehl, C. M., Schneider, M., Shiomi, K., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Sweeney, C., Té, Y., Uchino, O., Velazco, V. A., Wang, W., arneke, T., Wennberg, P. O., Worden, H. M., and Wunch, D., Evaluation of MOPITT version 7 joint TIR-NIR XCO retrievals with TCCON, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 5547-5572,
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR

2019, Frieß, U., Beirle, S., Alvarado Bonilla, L., Bösch, T., Friedrich, M. M., Hendrick, F., Piters, A., Richter, A., van Roozendael, M., Rozanov, V. V., Spinei, E., Tirpitz, J.-L., Vlemmix, T., Wagner, T., and Wang, Y., Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS vertical profile retrieval algorithms: studies using synthetic data, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 2155–2181,
Tags: Algorithm, UVVis

2019, Jalali, A., Shannon Hicks-Jalali, Robert Sica, Alexander Haefele, Thomas von Clarmann, A practical information-centered technique to remove a priori information from lidar optimalestimation-method retrievals., Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12: 3943–3961
Tags: Algorithm, Lidar