
2015, Fernandez, S., Murk, A., & Kämpfer, N., Design and Characterization of a Peltier-Cold Calibration Target for a 110-GHz Radiometer, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(1), 344–351
Tags: Microwave

2011, Kuang, S., J. F. Burris, M. J. Newchurch, S. Johnson, and S. Long, Differential Absorption Lidar to measure subhourly variation of tropospheric ozone profiles, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49, 557-571
Tags: Lidar, Tropospheric Ozone

2011, de Wachter, E., Haefele, A., Kaempfer N., Ka S., Lee, J. E., Oh, J. J., The Seoul Water Vapor Radiometer for the Middle Atmosphere: Calibration, Retrieval, and Validation, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(3), 1052-1062
Tags: CalVal, H2O, Microwave

2010, Dionisi, D., Congeduti F., Liberti G.L., Cardillo F., Calibration of a Multichannel Water Vapor Raman Lidar through Noncollocated Operational Soundings: Optimization and Characterization of Accuracy and Variability, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27, 108-121
Tags: CalVal, H2O, Lidar

2009, Hannigan, J.W., M. T. Coffey, and A. Goldman, Semiautonomous FTS Observation System for Remote Sensing of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Gases, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26:1814–1828,
Tags: FTIR

2009, di Girolamo, P., Donato Summa, Rossella Ferretti, Multiparameter Raman Lidar Measurements for the Characterization of a Dry Stratospheric Intrusion Event, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 1742-1762,
Tags: H2O, Lidar

2009, Batchelor, R.L., K. Strong, R. Lindenmaier, R.L. Mittermeier, H. Fast, J.R. Drummond, and P.F. Fogal, A new Bruker IFS 125HR FTIR spectrometer for the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory at Eureka, Canada - measurements and comparison with the existing Bomem DA8 spectrometer, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26 (7), 1328-1340,
Tags: FTIR, Validation

2008, Zander, R., Mahieu, E., Demoulin, P., Duchatelet, P., Roland, G., Servais, C., De Maz¨iere, M., Reimann, S. and Rinsland, C. P., Our changing atmosphere: Evidence based on long-term infrared solar observations at the Jungfraujoch since 1950, Science of the Total Environment, 391(2-3), 184–195,
Tags: FTIR

2008, Swadley, S.D., G. A. Poe, W. B. Ye Hong, D. B. Kunkee, I. S. McDermid, and T. Leblanc, Analysis and Characterization of the SSMIS Upper Atmosphere Sounding Channel Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40, 962-983
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Validation

2008, Steinbrecht, W., H. Claude, F. Schönenborn, U. Leiterer, H. Dier, and E. Lanzinger, Pressure and Temperature Differences between Vaisala RS80 and RS92 Radiosonde Systems, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 909–927,
Tags: Sonde, Temperature