
1995, Keckhut, P., Midlatitude Summer Response of the Middle Atmosphere to Short-term Solar UV Changes, Annals of Geophysics, 13(6), 641-647
Tags: Lidar, Solar Cycle, Temperature

1994, Ricaud, P., et al., Theoretical validation of ground-based microwave ozone observations, Annals of Geophysics, 12, 664-673
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Validation

1992, Stefanutti, L., et al., A Four Wavelength Depolarization Backscattering Lidar for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Monitoring, Applied Physics, B55, 13-17
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, PSC

1992, Stefanutti, L., et al., The Antarctic Ozone Lidar System, Applied Physics, B55, 3-12
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1992, Hauchecorne, A., M.L. Chanin, P. Keckhut, and D. Nedeljkovic, Lidar monitoring of the temperature in the middle and lower atmosphere, Applied Physics, B 54, 2573-2579
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1990, Maillard, A., Hauchecorne, A., Rose, K., Planetary-waves Modulated by the Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO), Annals of Geophysics, 8(7-8): 531-540
Tags: Lidar, QBO, Temperature

1988, Parrish, A., R.L. de Zafra, P.M. Solomon, and J.W. Barrett, A ground-based technique for millimeter wave spectroscopic observations of stratospheric trace constituents, Radio Science, 23, 106-118
Tags: Microwave

1969, Komhyr, W.D., Electrochemical concentration cells for gas analysis, Annals of Geophysics, 25, 203-210
Tags: Historical, Sonde