
2022, Herrera, B., A. Bezanilla, T. Blumenstock, E. Dammers, F. Hase, L. Clarisse, A. Magaldi, C. Rivera, W. Stremme, K. Strong, C. Viatte, M. Van Damme, and M. Grutter, Measurement report: Evolution and distribution of NH3 over Mexico City from ground-based and satellite infrared spectroscopic measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 14119–14132, 2022
Tags: FTIR, NH3, Satellite

2022, Mariaccia, A., Keckhut P., Hauchecorne A., Claud C., Le Pichon A., Meftah M., Khaykin S., Assessment of ERA-5 Temperature Variability in the MiddleAtmosphere Using Rayleigh LiDAR Measurements between 2005 and 2020, Atmosphere, 13 (2), 242,
Tags: Lidar, Model, Temperature

2021, Marlton, G., et al., Using a network of temperature lidars to identify temperature biases in the upper stratosphere in ECMWF reanalyses, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(8), 6079–6092,
Tags: Lidar, Model, Temperature

2021, Meng, L., J. Liu, D.W. Tarasick and Y. Li , Biases of Global Tropopause Altitude Products in Reanalyses and Implications for Estimates of Tropospheric Column Ozone, Atmosphere, 12, 417,
Tags: Sonde, Ozone, Model

2021, Schanz, A., Hocke, K.; Kämpfer, N.; Chabrillat, S.; Inness, A.; Palm, M.; Notholt, J.; Boyd, I.; Parrish, A.; Kasai, Y., The Diurnal Variation in Stratospheric Ozone from MACC Reanalysis, ERA-Interim, WACCM, and Earth Observation Data: Characteristics and Intercomparison, Atmosphere, 12, 625,
Tags: Microwave, Diurnal, Ozone, Model

2021, Sun, Y., Yin, H., Liu, C., Zhang, L., Cheng, Y., Palm, M., Notholt, J., Lu, X., Vigouroux, C., Zheng, B., Wang, W., Jones, N., Shan, C., Qin, M., Tian, Y., Hu, Q., Meng, F., and Liu, J., Mapping the drivers of formaldehyde (HCHO) variability from 2015 to 2019 over eastern China: insights from Fourier transform infrared observation and GEOS-Chem model simulation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6365–6387,
Tags: Model, FTIR, HCHO

2021, Tu, Q., F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, M. Schneider, A. Schneider, R. Kivi, P. Heikkinen, B. Ertl, C. Diekmann, F. Khosrawi, M. Sommer, T. Borsdorff, and U. Raffalski, Intercomparison of arctic xh2o observations from three ground-based Fourier transform infrared networks and application for satellite validation, , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(3), 1993-2011,
Tags: FTIR, Polar, Satellite, Sonde, XH2O

2021, Mahieu, E., E. V. Fischer, B. Franco, M. Palm, T. Wizenberg, D. Smale, L. Clarisse, C. Clerbaux, P.-F. Coheur, J. W. Hannigan, E. Lutsch, J. Notholt, I. P. Cantos, M. Prignon, C. Servais, and K. Strong, First retrievals of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) from ground-based FTIR solar spectra recorded at remote sites, comparison with model and satellite data, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1),
Tags: FTIR, Model, Satellite

2021, Thompson, A.M., R. M. Stauffer, K. Wargan, J. C. Witte, D. E. Kollonige, and J. R. Ziemke, Regional and seasonal trends in tropical ozone from SHADOZ profiles: Reference for models and satellite products, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126,
Tags: Model, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2021, Prignon, M., Chabrillat, S., Friedrich, M., Smale, D., Strahan, S. E., Bernath, P. F., Chipperfield, M. P., Dhomse, S. S., Feng, W., Minganti, D., Servais, C. and Mahieu, E., Stratospheric fluorine as a tracer of circulation changes: comparison between infrared remote‐sensing observations and simulations with five modern reanalyses, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(19),
Tags: F, FTIR, Model