
2018, Pommereau, J.P., F. Goutail, A. Pazmino, F. Lefèvre, M.P. Chipperfield, W. Feng, M. von Roozendael, N. Jipsen, G. Hansen, R. Kivi, K. Bognar, K. Strong, K. Walker, A. Kuzmichev, S. Khattatov, and V. Sitnikova, Recent Arctic ozone depletion: Is there an impact of climate change?, Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 350, 347-353,
Tags: Ozone, Trends, UVVis

2018, Philipona, R., Mears, C., Fujiwara, M., Jeannet, P., Thorne, P., Bodeker, G., Haimberger, L., Hervo, M., Popp, C., Romanens, G., Steinbrecht, W., Stübi, R., and Van Malderen, R., Radiosondes show that after decades of cooling, the lower stratosphere is now warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 12,509–12,522,
Tags: Sonde, Temperature, Trends

2017, Yela, M., Gil-Ojeda, M., Navarro-Comas, M., Gonzalez-Bartolomé, D., Puentedura, O., Funke, B., Iglesias, J., Rodríguez, S., García, O., Ochoa, H., and Deferrari, G., Hemispheric asymmetry in stratospheric NO2 trends, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 13373- 13389,
Tags: NO2, Trends, UVVis

2017, Moshammer, H., Simic, S.; Haluza, D., UV-Radiation: From Physics to Impacts, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2)
Tags: Health, Spectral UV

2017, Steinbrecht, W., Lucien Froidevaux, Ryan Fuller, Ray Wang, John Anderson, Chris Roth, Adam Bourassa, Doug Degenstein, Robert Damadeo, Joe Zawodny, Stacey Frith, Richard McPeters, Pawan Bhartia, Jeannette Wild, Craig Long, Sean Davis, Karen Rosenlof, Viktoria Sofieva, Kaley Walker, Nabiz Rahpoe, Alexei Rozanov, Mark Weber, Alexandra Laeng, Thomas von Clarmann, Gabriele Stiller, Natalya Kramarova, Sophie GodinBeekmann, Thierry eblanc, Richard Querel, Daan Swart, Ian Boyd, Klemens Hocke, Niklaus Kämpfer, Eliane Maillard Barras, Lorena Moreira, Gerald Nedoluha, Corinne Vigouroux, Thomas Blumenstock, Matthias Schneider, Omaira García, Nicholas Jones, Emmanuel Mahieu, Dan Smale, Michael Kotkamp, John Robinson, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Neil Harris, Birgit Hassler, Daan Hubert, and Fiona Tummon, An update on ozone profile trends for the period 2000 to 2016, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 10675–10690,, 2017
Tags: FTIR, Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, Trends

2017, Christiansen, B., Nis Jepsen, Rigel Kivi, Georg Hansen, Niels Larsen, and Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Trends and annual cycles in soundings of Arctic tropospheric ozone, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 9347–9364,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

2016, van Malderen, R., Allaart, M. A. F., De Backer, H., Smit, H. G. J., and De Muer, D., On instrumental errors and related correction strategies of ozonesondes: possible effect on calculated ozone trends for the nearby sites Uccle and De Bilt, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 3793-3816,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends, Validation

2016, Schrempf, M., Haluza, D.; Simic, S.; Riechelmann, S.; Graw, K.; Seckmeyer, G., Is Multidirectional UV Exposure Responsible for Increasing Melanoma Prevalence with Altitude? A Hypothesis Based on Calculations with a 3D-Human Exposure Model, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(10)
Tags: Health, Spectral UV

2015, Moriera, L., Trend analysis of the 20-year time series of stratospheric ozone profiles observed by the GROMOS microwave radiometer at Bern, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15/19, 10999-11009,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Trends

2015, Haluza, D., Schwab, M.; Simic, S.; Cervinka, R.; Moshammer, H., Perceived Relevance of Educative Information on Public (Skin) Health: Results of a Representative, Population-Based Telephone Survey, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(11):14260-14274
Tags: Health, Spectral UV