
2022, Chouza, F., Leblanc, T., Brewer, M., Wang, P., Martucci, G., Haefele, A., Vérèmes, H., Duflot, V., Payen, G., and Keckhut, P., The impact of aerosol fluorescence on long-term water vapor monitoring by Raman lidar and evaluation of a potential correction method, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 4241–4256,
Tags: Aerosol, H2O, Lidar

2022, Flamant, C., P. Chazette, O. Caumont, P. Di Girolamo, A. Behrendt, M. Sicard, J. Totems, D. Lange, N. Fourrié, P. Brousseau, C. Augros, A. Baron, M. Cacciani, A. Comerón, B. De Rosa, V. Ducrocq, P. Genau, L. Labatut, C. Muñoz-Porcar, A. Rodríguez-Gómez, D. Summa, R. Thundathil, and V. Wulfmeyer , A network of water vapor Raman lidars for improving heavy precipitation forecasting in southern France: introducing the WaLiNeAs initiative, Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology, 2, 10 ,
Tags: H2O, Lidar

2022, Le Du, T., Keckhut P., Hauchecorne A., Simoneau P., Observation of Gravity Wave Vertical Propagation through a Mesospheric Inversion Layer, Atmosphere, 13 (7), pp.1003,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2022, Mariaccia, A., Keckhut P., Hauchecorne A., Claud C., Le Pichon A., Meftah M., Khaykin S., Assessment of ERA-5 Temperature Variability in the MiddleAtmosphere Using Rayleigh LiDAR Measurements between 2005 and 2020, Atmosphere, 13 (2), 242,
Tags: Lidar, Model, Temperature

2022, Ancellet, G., Godin-Beekmann S., Smit H., Stauffer R., van Malderen R., Bodichon R., Pazmino A., Homogenization of the Observatoire de Haute Provence electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde data record: comparison with lidar and satellite observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15 (10), pp.3105-3120,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2022, Di Paolantonio, M., Dionisi, D., and Liberti, G. L., A semi-automated procedure for the emitter–receiver geometry characterization of motor-controlled lidars, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15, 1217–1231,
Tags: Lidar

2022, Whiteman, D.N., Di Girolamo P., Behrendt A., Wulfmeyer V. and Franco N., Statistical Analysis of Simulated Spaceborne Thermodynamics Lidar Measurements in the Planetary Boundary Layer, Frontiers in Earth Science, 3:810032,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2022, Ardalan, M., Keckhut P., Hauchecorne A., Wing R., Meftah M., Farhani G., Updated Climatology of Mesospheric Temperature Inversions Detected by Rayleigh Lidar above Observatoire de Haute Provence, France, Using a K-Mean Clustering Technique, Atmosphere, 13 (5), pp.814,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2021, Tritscher, I., Michael C. Pitts, Lamont R. Poole, Simon P. Alexander, Francesco Cairo, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Jens-Uwe Gross, Michael Hoepfner, Alyn Lambert, Beiping Luo, Sergey Molleker, Andrew Orr, Ross Salawitch, Marcel Snels, Reinhold Spang, Wolfgang Woiwode, Thomas Peter, Polar Stratospheric Clouds: Satellite Observations, Processes, and Role in Ozone Depletion, Reviews of Geophysics, 59,
Tags: Lidar, PSC, Ozone

2021, Madonna, F., Summa, D.; Girolamo, P.D.; Marra, F.; Wang, Y.; Rosoldi, M., Assessment of Trends and Uncertainties in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimated using Radiosounding Observations over Europe, Atmosphere, 12, 301,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Trends