
2020, Bourgeois, I., J. Peischl, C. R. Thompson, K. C. Aikin, T. Campos, H. Clark, R. Commane, B. Daube, G. W. Diskin, J. W. Elkins, R-S. Gao, A. Gaudel, E. J. Hintsa, B. J. Johnson, R. Kivi, K. McKain, F. L. Moore, D. D. Parrish, R. Querel, Eric Ray, R. Sánchez, C. Sweeney, D. W. Tarasick, A. M. Thompson, V. Thouret, J. C. Witte, S. W. Wofsy, and T. B. Ryerson, Global-scale distribution of ozone in the remote troposphere from ATom and HIPPO airborne field missions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2020, Eleftheratos, K., Kapsomenakis, J.; Zerefos, C.S.; Bais, A.F.; Fountoulakis, I.; Dameris, M.; Jöckel, P.; Haslerud, A.S.; GodinBeekmann, S.; Steinbrecht, W.; Petropavlovskikh, I.; Brogniez, C.; Leblanc, T.; Liley, J.B.; Querel, R.; Swart, D.P.J., Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level, Atmosphere, 11, 228,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2020, Héron, D., Stéphanie Evan, Jérôme Brioude, Karen Rosenlof, Françoise Posny, Metzger, J.-M., and Cammas, J.-P., Impact of convection on the upper-tropospheric composition (water vapor and ozone) over a subtropical site (Réunion island; 21.1° S, 55.5° E) in the Indian Ocean, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (14), 8611-8626,
Tags: H2O, Ozone, Sonde

2020, Maillard Barras, E., Haefele, A., Nguyen, L., Tummon, F., Ball, W. T., Rozanov, E. V., Rüfenacht, R., Hocke, K., Bernet, L., Kämpfer, N., Nedoluha, G., and Boyd, I., Study of the dependence of stratospheric ozone long-term trends on local solar time, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8453–8471,
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Ozone, Trends

2020, Parrish, D.D., Derwent, R. G., Steinbrecht, W., Stübi, R., Van Malderen, R., Steinbacher, M., Trickl, T., Ries, L., Xu, X., Zonal Similarity of Long-term Changes and Seasonal Cycles of Baseline Ozone at Northern Mid-latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2020, Safieddine, S., Marie Bouillon, Ana-claudia Paracho, Julien Jumelet, Florent Tence, et al, Antarctic ozone enhancement during the 2019 sudden stratospheric warming event, Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (14), e2020GL087810,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, SSW, UVVis

2020, Schranz, F., Hagen, J., Stober, G., Hocke, K., Murk, A., and Kämpfer, N., Small-scale variability of stratospheric ozone during the sudden stratospheric warming 2018/2019 observed at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 10791–10806,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, SSW

2020, Stauffer, R.M., Thompson, A. M.,Kollonige, D. E., Witte, J. C., Tarasick, D. W., Davies, J., et al., A post 2013 drop off in total ozone at a third of global ozonesonde stations: Electrochemical concentration cell instrument artifacts?, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086791,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2020, Wang, S., Li, K., Zhu, D., Sander, S., Yung, Y., Pazmino, A., and Querel, R, Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide—Similarities and Discrepancies Between Model and NDACC Observations, Solar Physics, 295, 117,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2020, Wing, R., Steinbrecht W., Godin-Beekmann S., McGee T. J., Sullivan J. T., Sumnicht G., Ancellet G., Hauchecorne A., Khaykin S., Keckhut P., Intercomparison and evaluation of ground- and satellite-based stratospheric ozone and temperature profiles above Observatoire de Haute-Provence during the Lidar Validation NDACC Experiment (LAVANDE), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (10), 5621-5642,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Temperature, Validation