
2020, Allen, M.W., et al., Use of electronic UV dosimeters in measuring personal UV exposures and public health education, Atmosphere, 11, 744,
Tags: Health, Spectral UV, UVB

2020, Almansa, A.F., et al., Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer, Remote Sensing, 12, 1424
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR, H2O

2020, Barreto, et al., Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals by Ground-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry, Remote Sensing, 12, 3148
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR

2020, Bernhard, G., R. E. Neale, P. W. Barnes, P. J. Neale, R. G. Zepp, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, A. F. Bais, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, P. J. Young, J. B. Liley, R. M. Lucas, S. Yazar, L. E. Rhodes, S. N. Byrne, L. M. Hollestein, C. M. Olsen, A. R. Young, T. M. Robson, J. F. Bornman, M. A. K. Jansen, S. A. Robinson, C. L. Ballaré, C. E. Williamson, K. C. Rose, A. T. Banaszak, D.-P. Häder, S. Hylander, S.-Å. Wängberg, A. T. Austin, W.-C. Hou, N. D. Paul,S. Madronich, B. Sulzberger, K. R. Solomon, H. Li, T. Schikowski, J. Longstreth, K. K. Pandey, A. M. Heikkilä, and C. C. White, Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update 2019, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 19, 542–584,
Tags: Spectral UV, UVB

2020, Bernhard, G., S. Stierle, Trends of UV Radiation in Antarctica, Atmosphere, 11(8), 795,
Tags: Spectral UV, Trends, UVB

2020, Blechschmidt, A.-M., Arteta, J., Coman, A., Curier, L., Eskes, H., Foret, G., Gielen, C., Hendrick, F., Marécal, V., Meleux, F., Parmentier, J., Peters, E., Pinardi, G., Piters, A. J. M., Plu, M., Richter, A., Segers, A., Sofiev, M., Valdebenito, Á. M., Van Roozendael, M., Vira, J., Vlemmix, T., and Burrows, J. P., Comparison of tropospheric NO2 columns from MAX-DOAS retrievals and regional air quality model simulations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 2795–2823,
Tags: Model, NO2, UVVis

2020, Bognar, K., X. Zhao, K. Strong, R.Y.-W. Chang, U. Frieß, P.L. Hayes, A. McClure-Begley, S. Morris, S. Tremblay, and A. Vicente-Luis, Measurements of tropospheric bromine monoxide over four halogen activation seasons in the Canadian high Arctic, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033015,
Tags: BrO, UVVis

2020, Bourgeois, I., J. Peischl, C. R. Thompson, K. C. Aikin, T. Campos, H. Clark, R. Commane, B. Daube, G. W. Diskin, J. W. Elkins, R-S. Gao, A. Gaudel, E. J. Hintsa, B. J. Johnson, R. Kivi, K. McKain, F. L. Moore, D. D. Parrish, R. Querel, Eric Ray, R. Sánchez, C. Sweeney, D. W. Tarasick, A. M. Thompson, V. Thouret, J. C. Witte, S. W. Wofsy, and T. B. Ryerson, Global-scale distribution of ozone in the remote troposphere from ATom and HIPPO airborne field missions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2020, Byrne, B., J. Liu, M. Lee, I. Baker, K. W. Bowman, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, D. W. T. Griffith, L. T. Iraci, M. Kiel, J. S. Kimball, C. E. Miller, I. Morino, N. C. Parazoo, C. Petri, C. M. Roehl, M. K. Sha, K. Strong, V. A. Velazco, P. O. Wennberg, D. Wunch, Improved constraints on northern extratropical CO2 fluxes obtained by combining surface-based and space-based atmospheric CO2 measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032029,
Tags: CO2, FTIR, Satellite

2020, Cadet, J.-M., Thierry Portafaix, Hassan Bencherif, Kévin Lamy, Colette Brogniez, Frédérique Auriol, Jean-Marc Metzger, Louis-Etienne Boudreault and Caradee Yael Wright, Inter-Comparison Campaign of Solar UVR Instruments under Clear Sky Conditions at Reunion Island (21°S, 55°E), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 2867,
Tags: Spectral UV, UVB