
1990, Deshler, T., D.J. Hofmann, and J.V. Hereford, Ozone profile measurements within, at the edge of, and outside the Antarctic polar vortex in the spring of 1988, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 10023-10035
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

1990, Farmer, C.B., B. Carli, A. Bonetti, M. Carlotti, B. M. Dinelli, H. Fast, W. F. J. Evans, N. Louisnard, C. Alamichel, W. Mankin, M. Coffey, I. G. Nolt, D. G. Murcray, A. Goldman, G. M. Stokes, D. W. Johnson, W. A. Traub, K. V. Chance, R. Zander, G. Roland, and L. Delbouille, Balloon intercomparison campaigns: results of remote sensing measurements of HCl, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 10, 237-272
Tags: FTIR, HCl

1990, Haner, D. A., I. S. McDermid, Stimulated Raman Shifting of Nd:YAG Fourth Harmonic (266 nm) in H2, HD and D2, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, QE-26, 1292-1298
Tags: Lidar

1990, Mankin, W.G., M. T. Coffey, K. V. Chance, W. A. Traub, B. Carli, F. Mencaraglia, S. Piccioli, I. G. Nolt, J. V. Radostitz, R. Zander, G. Roland, D. W. Johnson, G. M. Stokes, C. B. Farmer, and R .K. Seals, Intercomparison of measurements of stratospheric hydrogen fluoride, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 10, 219-236
Tags: FTIR, HF

1990, McDermid, I.S., S. M. Godin, R. A. Barnes, C. L. Parsons, A. Torres, M. P. McCormick, W. P. Chu, P. Wang, J. Butler, P. Newman, J. Burris, R. Ferrare, D. Whiteman and T. J. McGee, Comparison of Ozone Profiles From Ground-Based Lidar, ECC Balloon Sonde, ROCOZ-A Rocket Sonde, and SAGE II Satellite Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 10037-10042
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, Validation

1990, McDermid, I.S., S. M. Godin, Pi-Huan Wang and M. P. McCormick, Comparison of Stratospheric Ozone Profiles and Their Seasonal Variations as Measured by LIDAR and SAGE II During 1988, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 5605-5612
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

1990, McDermid, I.S., S. M. Godin and L. O. Lindquist, Ground-Based Laser DIAL System for Long-Term Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone, Applied Optics, 29, 3603-3612
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1990, McDermid, I.S., S. M. Godin and T. D. Walsh, Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone and Inter-Comparisons and Validation (Invited Paper), Applied Optics, 29, 4914-4923
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

1990, McDermid, I.S., S. M. Godin, L. O. Lindquist, T. D. Walsh, J. Burris, J. Butler, R. Ferrare, D. Whiteman and T. J. McGee, Measurement Inter-Comparison of the JPL and GSFC Stratospheric Ozone Lidar Systems, Applied Optics, 29, 4671-4676
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

1990, McGee, T.J., P. Newman, R. Ferrare, D. Whiteman, J. Butler, J. Burris, S. M. Godin and I. S. McDermid, Lidar Observations of Ozone Changes Induced by Sub-Polar Airmass Motion Over Table Mountain (34.4 N), Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 20527-20530
Tags: Lidar, Ozone