
2019, Taquet, N., Stremme W, Grutter M, Baylón J, Bezanilla A, Schiavo B, Rivera C, Campion R, Boulesteix T, Nieto-Torres A, Espinasa-Pereña R, Blumenstock T and Hase F, Variability in the Gas Composition of the Popocatépetl Volcanic Plume, Frontiers in Earth Science, 8:54,
Tags: FTIR, Volcano

2019, Schiavo, B., et al., Characterization of a UV camera system for SO2 measurements from Popocatépetl Volcano, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 370, 82–94,
Tags: FTIR, SO2, Volcano

2016, Nedoluha, G.E., Brian J. Connor, Thomas Mooney, James W. Barrett, Alan Parrish, R. Michael Gomez, Ian Boyd, Douglas R. Allen, Michael Kotkamp, Stefanie Kremser, Terry Deshler, Paul Newman, and Michelle L. Santee, 20 years of ClO measurements in the Antarctic lower stratosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 10725–10734,
Tags: ClO, Microwave

2015, Barthlott, S., M. Schneider, F. Hase, A. Wiegele, E. Christner, Y. Gonzalez, T. Blumenstock, S. Dohe, O. E. Garcia, E. Sepulveda, K. Strong, J. Mendonca, D. Weaver, M. Palm, N. M. Deutscher, T. Warneke, J. Notholt, B. Lejeune, E. Mahieu, N. Jones, D. W. T. Griffith, V. A. Velazco, D. Smale, J. Robinson, R. Kivi, P. Heikkinen, and U. Raffalski, Using XCO2 retrievals for assessing the long-term consistency of NDACC/FTIR data sets, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 1555-1573,
Tags: FTIR, XCO2

2013, Connor, B.J., T. Mooney, G. E. Nedoluha, J. W. Barrett, A. Parrish, J. Koda, M. L. Santee, and R. M. Gomez, Re-analysis of ground-based microwave ClO measurements from Mauna Kea, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 8643-8650
Tags: ClO, Microwave

2012, Morgenstern, O., et al., Long-range correlations in FTIR, satellite, and modeled CO in the Southern Hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research,
Tags: ClO, FTIR, Model, Satellite

2011, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., Ground-based measurements of ClO from Mauna Kea and intercomparisons with Aura and UARS MLS, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D02307,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2008, Santee, M.L., Validation of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder ClO Measurement, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D15S22,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2007, Connor, B.J., T. Mooney, J. Barrett, P. Solomon, A. Parrish, and M. Santee, Comparison of ClO measurements from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder to ground-based microwave measurements at Scott Base, Antarctica, in spring 2005, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D24S42,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2003, Rinsland, C.P., D. K. Weisenstein, M. K. W. Ko, C. J. Scott, L. S. Chiou, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, and P. Demoulin, Post Mount Pinatubo eruption ground-based stratospheric column measurements of HNO3, NO, and NO2 and their comparison with model calculation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D15), 4437, ACL1,
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, NO, NO2, Volcano