
2013, Nedoluha, G.E., R. M. Gomez, D. R. Allen, A. Lambert, C. Boone, and G. Stiller, Variations in Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor form 2004-2013, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 11,285–11,293,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2012, Struder, S., Klemens Hocke, Niklaus Kämpfer, Intraseasonal Oscillations of Stratospheric Ozone Above Switzerland, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, 189-198,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

2012, Straub, C., Tschanz, B., Hocke, K., Kämpfer, N., & Smith, A. K., Transport of mesospheric H2O during and after the stratospheric sudden warming of January 2010: Observation and simulation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(12), 5413–5427,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, SSW

2012, Scheiben, D., Straub, C., Hocke, K., Forkman, P., and Kämpfer, N., Middle atmospheric water vapor and ozone anomalies during the 2010 major sudden stratospheric warming, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 7753–7765
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Ozone, SSW

2012, Rüfenacht, R., Kämpfer, N.; Murk, A., First Middle-Atmospheric Zonal Wind Profile Measurements with a New Ground-Based Microwave Doppler-Spectro-Radiometer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 2647-2659,
Tags: Microwave, Wind

2012, Stiller, G.P., et al., Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA temperature, water vapor, and ozone profiles with MOHAVE-2009 campaign measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 289-320,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2012, Gomez, R.M., Nedoluha, G. E., Neal, H., McDermid, I. S, The fourth-generation Water Vapor Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer, Radio Science, 47, RS1010,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2011, Fiorucci, I., G. Muscari, and R. L. de Zafra, Revising the retrieval technique of a long-term stratospheric HNO3 data set: from a constrained matrix inversion to the optimal estimation algorithm, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1317-1330,
Tags: HNO3, Microwave

2011, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., Ground-based measurements of ClO from Mauna Kea and intercomparisons with Aura and UARS MLS, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D02307,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2011, Straub, C., Murk, A., Kämpfer, N., Golchert, S. H. W., Hochschild, G., Hallgren, K., & Hartogh, P., ARIS-Campaign: Intercomparison of three ground based 22 GHz radiometers for middle atmospheric water vapor at the Zugspitze in winter 2009, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4(9), 1979–1994,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Validation