
2012, Gomez, R.M., Nedoluha, G. E., Neal, H., McDermid, I. S, The fourth-generation Water Vapor Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer, Radio Science, 47, RS1010,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2006, Forkman, P.M., Shulga, V.M., Piddiachii, V.I., Korolev, A.M., Myshenko, V.V., Myshenko, A.V, An uncooled very low noise Shottky diode receiver front end for ozone and carbon monoxide measurements, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 27(1), 25-35
Tags: CO, Microwave, Ozone

2005, Deuber, B., June Morland, Lorenz Martin, Niklaus Kämpfer, Deriving the tropospheric integrated water vapor from tipping curve derived opacity near the line center at 22.235 GHz, Radio Science, 40, RS5011,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2004, Deuber, B., Kämpfer, N., Minimized standing waves in microwave radiometer balancing calibration, Radio Science, 39, RS1009,
Tags: Microwave

1997, Thayer, J.P., N. B. Nielsen, R. Warren, C. J. Heinselman, and J. Sohn, Rayleigh lidar system for middle atmosphere research in the arctic, Optical Engineering, 36, 2045-2061
Tags: Lidar

1995, Delbouille, L., Roland, G., High-resolution solar and atmospheric spectroscopy from the Jungfraujoch high-altitude station, Optical Engineering, 34, 2736-2739
Tags: FTIR

1995, Kampfer, N., Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere in Switzerland, Optical Engineering, 34, 2413-2424
Tags: Microwave

1995, McGee, T.J., M. Gross, U.N. Singh, J. J. Butler, and P. Kimvilakani, An Improved Stratospheric Ozone Lidar, Optical Engineering, 34, 1421-1430
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1994, Lees, R.M., R.R.J. Goulding, Saibei Zhao, W. Lewis-Bevan. J.W.C. Johns. D.P. Donovan, and C. Young, Assignments of Far-Infrared Laser Lines in the Co-stretching state of O-18 Methanol, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 15, pp. 1883–1906
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Microwave

1991, McDermid, I.S., D. A. Haner, M. M. Kleiman, T. D. Walsh and M. L. White, Differential Absorption Lidar Systems at JPL-TMF for Tropospheric and Stratospheric Ozone Measurements, Optical Engineering, 30, 22-30
Tags: Lidar, Ozone