
1996, Panegrossi, G., D. Fua, and G. Fiocco, A 1-D model of the formation and evolution of Polar Stratospheric Clouds, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 28, 5-12
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Model, PSC

1996, Bruhl, C., B. Bergqvist, B. Galle, M. Carleer, C. Clerbaux, R. Colin, C. Fayt, F. Goutail, M. Nunes Pinharanda, J.P. Pommereau, M. Hausmann, U. Platt, I. Pundt, T. Rudolph, C. Hermans, P.C. Simon, A.C. Vandaele, J.M.C. Plane and N. Smith, Halogen Occultation Experiment ozone channel validation, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 23, 51-80
Tags: UVVis, Validation

1995, Notholt, J., Meier, A., Peil, S., Total Column Densitites of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Trace Gases in the Undisturbed Arctic Summer Atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 20(3), 311-332
Tags: Arctic, FTIR, Seasonal

1995, Notholt, J., A. Meier, and S. Peil, Total column densities of tropospheric and stratospheric trace gases in the undisturbed Arctic summer atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 20, 311-332
Tags: FTIR

1995, Mahieu, E., C. P. Rinsland, R. Zander, P. Demoulin, L. Delbouille, and G. Roland, Vertical Column Abundances of HCN deduced from Ground-Based Infrared Solar Spectra: Long-Term Trend and Variability, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 20, 299-310

1995, Madronich, S., McKenzie, R.; Caldwell, M.M.; Bjorn, L.O., Changes in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface, Ambio, 24, 143-152
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1994, Zander, R., Mahieu E., Demoulin Ph., Rinsland C.P., Weisenstein D. K., Ko M.K.W., Sze N.D., and Gunson M.R., Secular Evolution of the Vertical Column Abundances of CHClF2 (HCFC-22) in the Earth's Atmosphere Inferred from Ground-Based IR Solar Observations at the Jungfraujoch and at Kitt Peak, and Comparison with Model Calculations, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 18, 129-148
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, Model

1994, Beekmann, M., Ancellet, G., Megie, G., Smit, H.G., Kley, D., Intercomparison campaign of vertical ozone profiles including electrochemical sondes of ECC and Brewer-Mast type and a ground based UV-differential absorption lidar, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 19, 259-288
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

1993, Camypeyret, C., Flaud, J.M., Perrin, S., Rinsland, C.P., Goldman, A., et Al., Stratospheric N2O5, CH4 and N2O Profiles from RT Solar Occultation Spectra, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 16(1): 31-40
Tags: CH4, FTIR, N2O, N2O5

1993, Proffitt, M.H., Aikin, K., Margitan, J.J., Loewnstein, M., Podolske, J.R., et al., Ozone Loss inside the Northern Polar Vortex during the 1991-1992 Winter, Science, 261(5125): 1150-1154
Tags: Arctic, Ozone