- 176 results
- Year: 2021
- Year: 1995
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2021, Snels, M., Francesco Cairo, Luca Di Liberto, Andrea Scoccione, Marco Bracaglia, Terry Deshler, Comparison of Coincident Optical Particle Counter and Lidar Measurements of Polar Stratospheric Clouds above McMurdo (77.85S, 166.67E) from 1994 to 1999, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, 6
Tags: Lidar, PSC
2021, Snels, M., Francesco Colao, Francesco Cairo, Ilir Shuli, Andrea Scoccione, Mauro De Muro, Michael Pitts, Lamont Poole, Luca Di Liberto, Quasi-coincident observations of polar stratospheric clouds by ground-based lidar and CALIOP at Concordia (Dome C) from 2014 to 2018, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2165-2178
Tags: Lidar, PSC, Satellite
2021, Tritscher, I., Michael C. Pitts, Lamont R. Poole, Simon P. Alexander, Francesco Cairo, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Jens-Uwe Gross, Michael Hoepfner, Alyn Lambert, Beiping Luo, Sergey Molleker, Andrew Orr, Ross Salawitch, Marcel Snels, Reinhold Spang, Wolfgang Woiwode, Thomas Peter, Polar Stratospheric Clouds: Satellite Observations, Processes, and Role in Ozone Depletion, Reviews of Geophysics, 59,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, PSC
2021, Barret, B., et al., Retrieval of Metop-A/IASI N2O Profiles and Validation with NDACC FTIR Data, Atmosphere,
Tags: FTIR, N2O, Satellite
2021, Bernet, L, Boyd, I.; Nedoluha, G.; Querel, R.; Swart, D.; Hocke, K., Validation and Trend Analysis of Stratospheric Ozone Data from Ground-Based Observations at Lauder, New Zealand, Remote Sensing, 13, 109,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Trends, Validation
2021, Boettcher, M., Andreas Schäfler, Michael Sprenger, Harald Sodemann, Stefan Kaufmann, Christiane Voigt, Hans Schlager, Donato Summa, Paolo Di Girolamo, Daniele Nerini, Urs Germann, Heini Wernli, Lagrangian matches between observations from aircraft, lidar and radar in an orographic warm conveyor belt, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 5477–5498,
Tags: Lidar
2021, Bognar, K., Alwarda, R., Strong, K., Chipperfield, M. P., Dhomse, S. S., Drummond, J. R., Feng, W., Fioletov, V., Goutail, F., Herrera, B., Manney, G. L., McCullough, E. M., Millán, L. F., Pazmino, A., Walker, K. A., Wizenberg, T., and Zhao, X., Unprecedented spring 2020 ozone depletion in the context of 20 years of measurements at Eureka, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD034365,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone
2021, Blumenstock, T., Hase, F., Keens, A., Czurlok, D., Colebatch, O., Garcia, O., Griffith, D. W. T., Grutter, M., Hannigan, J. W., Heikkinen, P., Jeseck, P., Jones, N., Kivi, R., Lutsch, E., Makarova, M., Imhasin, H. K., Mellqvist, J., Morino, I., Nagahama, T., Notholt, J., Ortega, I., Palm, M., Raffalski, U., Rettinger, M., Robinson, J., Schneider, M., Servais, C., Smale, D., Stremme, W., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Té, Y., and Velazco, V. A., Characterization and potential for reducing optical resonances in Fourier transform infrared spectrometers of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1239–1252,
Tags: FTIR
2021, Bouarar, I., B. Gaubert, G.P. Brasseur, W. Steinbrecht, T. Doumbia, S. Tilmes, et al., Ozone Anomalies in the Free Troposphere during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094204,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone
2021, Brunamonti, S., Martucci, G., Romanens, G., Poltera, Y., Wienhold, F. G., Hervo, M., Haefele, A., and Navas-Guzmán, F., Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from Raman lidar and ceilometer using balloon-borne measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2267–2285,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Temperature