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Tags: Arctic, Model

1994, Garcia, R.R., Solomon, S., a New Numerical Model of the Middle Atmosphere 2. Ozone and Related Species, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 99 (D6), 12937-12951
Tags: Model, Ozone

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Tags: FTIR, NOy

1990, Smith, J.P., Solomon, S., Atmospheric NO3 3. Sunrise Disappearance and the Stratospheric Profile, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 95 (D9), 13819-13827
Tags: Model, NO3, UVVis

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Tags: Aerosol, Model, Sonde

1976, Pinnick, R.G., J.M. Rosen, and D.J. Hofmann, Stratospheric aerosol measurements, III, Optical model calculations, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 33, 304-314
Tags: Aerosol, Model, Sonde