
2015, Harris, N.R.P., Hassler, B., Tummon, F., Bodeker, G. E., Hubert, D., Petropavlovskikh, I., Steinbrecht, W., Anderson, J., Bhartia, P. K., Boone, C. D., Bourassa, A., Davis, S. M., Degenstein, D., Delcloo, A., Frith, S. M., Froidevaux, L., Godin-Beekmann, S., Jones, N., Kurylo, M. J., Kyrölä, E., Laine, M., Leblanc, S. T., Lambert, J.-C., Liley, B., Mahieu, E., Maycock, A., de Mazière, M., Parrish, A., Querel, R., Rosenlof, K. H., Roth, C., Sioris, C., Staehelin, J., Stolarski, R. S., Stübi, R., Tamminen, J., Vigouroux, C., Walker, K. A., Wang, H. J., Wild, J., and Zawodny, J. M., Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone – Part 3: Analysis and interpretation of trends, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 9965-9982,
Tags: FTIR, Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, Trends

2015, Pattantyús-Ábrahám, M., W. Steinbrecht, Temperature Trends over Germany from Homogenized Radiosonde Data, Journal of Climate, 28, 5699–5715,
Tags: Sonde, Temperature, Trends

2015, Vigouroux, C., T. Blumenstock, M. Coffey, Q. Errera, O. Garcia, N. B. Jones, J. W. Hannigan, F. Hase, B. Liley, E. Mahieu, J. Mellqvist, J. Notholt, M. Palm, G. Persson, M. Schneider, C. Servais, D. Smale, L. Thalix, and M. De Maziere, Trends of ozone total columns and vertical distribution from FTIR observations at eight NDACC stations around the globe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 2915-2933,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone, Trends

2014, Andrey, J., E. Cuevas, M.C. Parrondo, S. Alonso-Pérez, A. Redondas, M. Gil-Ojeda, Quantification of ozone reductions within the Saharan air layer through a 13-year climatologic analysis of ozone profiles, Atmospheric Environment, 84, 28-34
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Trends

2012, Fitzka, M., Simic, S., and Hadzimustafic, J., Trends in spectral UV radiation from long-term measurements at Hoher Sonnblick, Austria, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 110, 585-593
Tags: Spectral UV, Trends, UV Irradiance

2012, Kohlhepp, R., Ruhnke, R., Chipperfield, M. P., De Mazière, M., Notholt, J., Barthlott, S., Batchelor, R. L., Blatherwick, R. D., Blumenstock, Th., Coffey, M. T., Demoulin, P., Fast, H., Feng, W., Goldman, A., Griffith, D. W. T., Hamann, K., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Jones, N. B., Kagawa, A., Kaiser, I., Kasai, Y., Kirner, O., Kouker, W., Lindenmaier, R., Mahieu, E., Mittermeier, R. L., Monge-Sanz, B., Morino, I., Murata, I., Nakajima, H., Palm, M., Paton-Walsh, C., Raffalski, U., Reddmann, Th., Rettinger, M., Rinsland, C. P., Rozanov, E., Schneider, M., Senten, C., Servais, C., Sinnhuber, B.-M., Smale, D., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Taylor, J. R., Vanhaelewyn, G., Warneke, T., Whaley, C., Wiehle, M., and Wood, S. W.: , Observed and simulated time evolution of HCl, ClONO2, and HF total column abundances, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12: 3527-3556,
Tags: ClONO2, FTIR, HCl, HF

2012, Zeng, G., et al., Trends and variations in CO, C2H6 and HCN in the Southern Hemisphere point to the declining anthropogenic emissions of CO and C2H6, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12: 7543 – 7555
Tags: C2H6, CO, COF2, FTIR, HCN, Trends

2012, Hendrick, F., E. Mahieu, G. Bodeker, K. F. Boersma, M. P. Chipperfield, M. De Mazière, P. Demoulin, I. De Smedt, C. Fayt, C. Hermans, K. Kreher, B. Lejeune, G. Pinardi, C. Servais, J.-P. Vernier, and M. Van Roozendae, Trend analysis of stratospheric NO2 at Jungfraujoch (46.5°N, 8.0°E) using ground-based UV-visible, FTIR, and satellite nadir observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 8851–8864
Tags: FTIR, NO2, Satellite, Trends, UVVis

2011, Dils, B., Cui, J., Henne, S., Mahieu, E., Steinbacher, M. and De Maziere, M., 1997–2007 CO trend at the high Alpine site Jungfraujoch: a comparison between NDIR surface in situ and FTIR remote sensing observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(13), 6735–6748,
Tags: CO, FTIR, Trends

2011, Bernhard, G., Trends of solar ultraviolet irradiance at Barrow, Alaska, and the effect of measurement uncertainties on trend detection, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 13,029-13,045,
Tags: Spectral UV, Trends, UV Irradiance