
2021, Zuber, R., Köhler, U., Egli, L., Ribnitzky, M., Steinbrecht, W., and Gröbner, J., Total ozone column intercomparison of Brewers, Dobsons, and BTS-Solar at Hohenpeißenberg and Davos in 2019/2020, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 4915–4928,
Tags: Brewer, Dobson, Ozone, CalVal

2021, Tirpitz, J.-L., U. Frieß, F. Hendrick, C. Alberti, M. Allaart, A. Apituley, A. Bais, S. Beirle, S. Berkhout, K. Bognar, T. Bösch, I. Bruchkouski, A. Cede, K.L. Chan, M. den Hoed, S. Donner, T. Drosoglou, C. Fayt, M.M. Friedrich, A. Frumau, L. Gast, C. Gielen, L. Gomez-Martín, N. Hao, A. Hensen, B. Henzing, C. Hermans, J. Jin, K. Kreher, J. Kuhn, J. Lampel, A. Li, C. Liu, H. Liu, J. Ma, A. Merlaud, E. Peters, G. Pinardi, A. Piters, U. Platt, O. Puentedura, A. Richter, S. Schmitt, E. Spinei, D. Stein Zweers, K. Strong, D. Swart, F. Tack, M. Tiefengraber, R. van der Hoff, M. van Roozendael, T. Vlemmix, J. Vonk, T. Wagner, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Wenig, M. Wiegner, F. Wittrock, P. Xie, C. Xing, J. Xu, M. Yela, C. Zhang, and X. Zhao, Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS vertical profile retrieval algorithms: studies on field data from the CINDI-2 campaign, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 1–35,
Tags: CalVal, UVVis

2021, Sepúlveda, E., Cordero, R.R., Damiani, A. et al., Evaluation of Antarctic Ozone Profiles derived from OMPS-LP by using Balloon-borne Ozonesondes, Scientific Reports, 872506,
Tags: CalVal, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2021, Sha, M., B. Langerock, J.-F. L. Blavier, T. Blumenstock, T. Borsdorff, M. Buschmann, A. Dehn, M. De Mazière, N. M. Deutscher, D. G. Feist, O. E. García, D. W. T. Griffith, M. Grutter, J. W. Hannigan, F. Hase, P. Heikkinen, C. Hermans, L. T. Iraci, P. Jeseck, N. Jones, R. Kivi, N. Kumps, J. Landgraf, A. Lorente, E. Mahieu, M. V. Makarova, J. Mellqvist, J.-M. Metzger, I. Morino, T. Nagahama, J. Notholt, H. Ohyama, I. Ortega, M. Palm, C. Petri, D. F. Pollard, M. Rettinger, J. Robinson, S. Roche, C. M. Roehl, A. N. Röhling, C. Rousogenous, M. Schneider, K. Shiomi, D. Smale, W. Stremme, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, Y. Té, O. Uchino, V. A. Velazco, C. Vigouroux, M. Vrekoussis, P. Wang, T. Warneke, T. Wizenberg, D. Wunch, S. Yamanouchi, Y. Yang, and M. Zhou, Validation of methane and carbon monoxide from Sentinel-5 Precursor using TCCON and NDACC-IRWG stations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6249–6304,
Tags: CalVal, CH4, CO, FTIR

2021, Pinardi, G., Van Roozendael, M., Hendrick, F., Theys, N., Abuhassan, N., Bais, A., Boersma, F., Cede, A., Chong, J., Donner, S., Drosoglou, T., Dzhola, A., Eskes, H., Frieß, U., Granville, J., Herman, J. R., Holla, R., Hovila, J., Irie, H., Kanaya, Y., Karagkiozidis, D., Kouremeti, N., Lambert, J.-C., Ma, J., Peters, E., Piters, A., Postylyakov, O., Richter, A., Remmers, J., Takashima, H., Tiefengraber, M., Valks, P., Vlemmix, T., Wagner, T., and Wittrock, F, Validation of tropospheric NO2 column measurements of GOME-2A and OMI using MAX-DOAS and direct sun network observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 6141–6174,
Tags: UVVis, Satellite, CalVal, NO2

2021, Livesey, N.J., W.G. Read, L. Froidevaux, A. Lambert, M.L. Santee, M.J. Schwartz, L.F. Millán, R.F. Jarnot, P.A. Wagner, D.F. Hurst, K.A. Walker, P.E. Sheese, and G.E. Nedoluha, Investigation and amelioration of long-term instrumental drifts in water vapor and nitrous oxide measurements from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and their implications for studies of variability and trends, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(20), 15409-15430,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, NO, Satellite, Trends

2021, Madonna, F., Summa, D.; Girolamo, P.D.; Marra, F.; Wang, Y.; Rosoldi, M., Assessment of Trends and Uncertainties in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Estimated using Radiosounding Observations over Europe, Atmosphere, 12, 301,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Trends

2020, Maillard Barras, E., Haefele, A., Nguyen, L., Tummon, F., Ball, W. T., Rozanov, E. V., Rüfenacht, R., Hocke, K., Bernet, L., Kämpfer, N., Nedoluha, G., and Boyd, I., Study of the dependence of stratospheric ozone long-term trends on local solar time, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8453–8471,
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Ozone, Trends

2020, Bernet, L., Brockmann, E., von Clarmann, T., Kämpfer, N., Mahieu, E., Mätzler, C., Stober, G. and Hocke, K., Trends of atmospheric water vapour in Switzerland from ground-based radiometry, FTIR and GNSS data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(19), 11223–11244,
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Trends

2020, Hicks-Jalali, S., Sica, R. J., Martucci, G., Maillard Barras, E., Voirin, J., and Haefele, A., A Raman lidar tropospheric water vapour climatology and height-resolved trend analysis over Payerne, Switzerland, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 9619–9640,
Tags: H2O, Lidar, Trends