
2012, Morgenstern, O., et al., Long-range correlations in FTIR, satellite, and modeled CO in the Southern Hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research,
Tags: ClO, FTIR, Model, Satellite

2011, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., Ground-based measurements of ClO from Mauna Kea and intercomparisons with Aura and UARS MLS, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D02307,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2010, Kerr, J.B., The Brewer Spectrophotometer, UV Radiation in Global Climate Change, Gao, W., Slusser, J.R., Schmoldt, D.L. (eds). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 160–191
Tags: Brewer

2010, Di Biagio, C., Muscari, G., di Sarra, A., de Zafra, R. L., Eriksen, P., Fiorucci, I., and Fua, D., Evolution of temperature, O3, CO, and N2O profiles during the exceptional 2009 Arctic major stratospheric warming as observed by lidar and mm-wave spectroscopy at Thule (76.5°N, 68.8°W), Greenland, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D24315,
Tags: CO, Lidar, Microwave, N2O, Ozone

2009, Payan, S., C. Camy-Peyret, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, G. Maucher, C. Keim, M. Pirre, N. Huret, A. Engel, M. C. Volk, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttippurath, U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, F. Mencaraglia, P. Raspollini, G. Redaelli, C. Vigouroux, M. De Mazière, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, E. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, D. Smale, S. Wood, N. Jones, C. Piccolo, V. Payne, A. Bracher, N. Glatthor, G. Stiller, K. Grunow, P. Jeseck, Y. Te, and A. Butz, Validation of version-4.61 methane and nitrous oxide observed by MIPAS, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 413-442
Tags: CH4, FTIR, N2O, Validation

2008, Wenig, M.O., A. M. Cede, E. J. Bucsela, E. A. Celarier, K. F. Boersma, J. P. Veefkind, E. J. Brinksma, J. F. Gleason, J. R. Herman, Validation of OMI tropospheric NO2 column densities using direct-Sun mode Brewer measurements at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D16S45,
Tags: Brewer, NO2, Satellite, Validation

2008, Strong, K., et al., Validation of ACE-FTS N2O measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Special Issue ‘Validation results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)’, 8, 4759-4786,
Tags: FTIR, N2O, Satellite, Validation

2008, Santee, M.L., Validation of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder ClO Measurement, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D15S22,
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Satellite, Validation

2007, Muscari, G., A. di Sarra, R. L. de Zafra, F. Lucci, F. Baordo, F. Angelini, and G. Fiocco, Middle atmospheric O3, CO, N2O, HNO3, and temperature profiles during the warm Arctic winter 2001- 2002, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D14304,
Tags: CO, HNO3, Microwave, N2O, Ozone, Temperature

2007, Vigouroux, C., De Maziere, M.; Errera, Q.; Mahieu, E.; Duchatelet, P.; Wood, S.W.; Smale, D.; Mikuteit, S.; Blumenstock, T.; Hase, F.; Jones, N.B., Comparisons between ground-based FTIR and MIPAS N2O and HNO3 profiles before and after assimilation in BASCOE, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7: 1-20
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, N2O, Satellite