
2021, McKenzie, R., LIley, B., Yet another benefit from sunlight in the fight against COVID-19?, British Journal of Dermatology, 185 (2), 246–247,
Tags: Spectral UV

2006, Forkman, P.M., Shulga, V.M., Piddiachii, V.I., Korolev, A.M., Myshenko, V.V., Myshenko, A.V, An uncooled very low noise Shottky diode receiver front end for ozone and carbon monoxide measurements, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 27(1), 25-35
Tags: CO, Microwave, Ozone

1998, Milton, M.J., G. Ancellet, A. Apituley, J. Bosenberg, W. Carnuth, F. Castagnoli, T. Trickl, H. Edner, L. Stefanutti, T. Schaberl, A. Sunesson and C. Weitkamp, Raman-shifted laser sources suitable for differential-absorption lidar measurements of ozone in the troposphere, Applied Physics B, Photophys. Laser Chem., 66, 105-113
Tags: Lidar, Ozone

1994, Lees, R.M., R.R.J. Goulding, Saibei Zhao, W. Lewis-Bevan. J.W.C. Johns. D.P. Donovan, and C. Young, Assignments of Far-Infrared Laser Lines in the Co-stretching state of O-18 Methanol, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 15, pp. 1883–1906
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Microwave

1992, Stefanutti, L., Castagnoli, F., Delguasta, M., Morandi, M., Sacco, V.M., et al., A 4-Wavelength Depolarization Backscattering Lidar for Polar Stratospheric Cloud Monitoring, Applied Physics B, 55, 13-17
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar