
2017, Taquet, N., Meza-Hernandez I., Stremme W., Bezanilla A., Grutter M., Campion R., Palm M., Boulesteix T., Continuous measurements of SiF4 and SO2 by thermal emission spectroscopy: Insight from a 6-month survey at the Popocatepetl volcano, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 341 (2017) 255-26,
Tags: FTIR, SiF4, SO2

2017, Evans, R.D., Irina Petropavlovskikh, Audra McClure-Begley, Glen McConville, Dorothy Quincy, and Koji Miyagawa, Technical note: The US Dobson station network data record prior to 2015, re-evaluation of NDACC and WOUDC archived records with WinDobson processing software, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 12051–12070,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone

2017, Evans, R.D., Petropavlovskikh, I., McClure-Begley, A., McConville G., Quincy, D., and Miyagawa, K., The US Dobson Station network Data Record Prior to 2015, Re-evaluation of NDACC and WOUDC archived records with WinDobson Processing Software, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone

2014, Fitzka, M., Hadzimustafic, J., and Simic, S., Total ozone and Umkehr observations at Hoher Sonnblick 1994–2011: Climatology and extreme events, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119, 739–752
Tags: Climatology, Ozone, Spectral UV

2008, Gil, M., Yela, M., Gunn, L. N., Richter, A., Alonso, I., Chipperfield, M. P., Cuevas, E., Iglesias, J., Navarro, M., Puentedura, O., and Rodríguez, S., NO2 climatology in the northern subtropical region: diurnal, seasonal and interannual variability, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8, 1635-1648
Tags: Climatology, Diurnal, NO2, Satellite, UVVis

2008, Evans, R.D., Operations handbook - ozone observations with a Dobson spectrophotometer, Revised Version, WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report, WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report No. 183, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva
Tags: Dobson, Ozone

2008, Hassinen, S., J. Tamminen, A. Tanskanen, G. Leppelmeier, A. Mälkki, T. Koskela, J. M. Karhu, K. Lakkala, P. Veefkind, N. Krotkov, and O. Aulamo, Description and validation of the OMI very fast delivery products, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D16S35,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2008, McPeters, R., M. Kroon, G. Labow, E. Brinksma, D. Balis, I. Petropavlovskikh, J. P. Veefkind, P. K. Bhartia, and P. F. Levelt, Validation of the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument total column ozone product, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D15S14,
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2008, Müller, R., Grooß, J.-U.; Lemmen, C.; Heinze, D.; Dameris, M.; Bodeker, G.E, Simple measures of ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8: 251-264
Tags: Dobson, Ozone

2007, Balis, D., M. Kroon, M. E. Koukouli, E. J. Brinksma, G. Labow, J. P. Veefkind, R. D. McPeters, Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument total ozone column measurements using Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometer ground-based observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D24S46,
Tags: Brewer, Dobson, Ozone, Satellite, Validation