
1992, Hofmann, D.J., Oltmans, S.J., Harris, J.M., Solomon, S., Deshler, T., et al., Observation and Possible Causes of New Ozone Depletion in Antarctica in 1991, Nature, 359(6393), 283-287
Tags: Ozone, Polar, Sonde

1992, White, M.G., Smith, G.J.; Ryan, K.G.; Coppell, R.B.; Backshall, D.; Edmunds, C.J.; McKenzie, R.L, Erythemal and carcinogenic ultraviolet radiation at three New Zealand cities, Weather and Climate, 12, 83-88
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV

1991, McKenzie, R.L., Application of a simple model to calculate latitudinal and hemispheric differences in ultraviolet radiation, Weather and Climate, 3-14
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

1988, Barrett, J.W., P.M. Solomon, R.L. deZafra, M. Jaramillo, L. Emmons, and A. Parrish, Formation of the Antarctic ozone hole by the ClO dimer mechanism, Nature, 336, 455-458
Tags: ClO, Microwave, Ozone

1987, deZafra, R.L., M. Jaramillo, A. Parrish, P. Solomon, B.Connor, and J. Barrett, High concentrations of chlorine monoxide at low altitudes in the Antarctic spring stratosphere: diurnal variation, Nature, 328, 408-411
Tags: ClO, Diurnal, Microwave

1987, Farmer, C.B., G.C.Toon, P.W.Schaper, J.-F.Blavier, and L.L.Lowes, Stratospheric Trace Gases in the Spring 1986 Antarctic Atmosphere, Nature, 329, 126-130
Tags: FTIR

1987, Solomon, P.M., B.Connor, R.L. deZafra, A. Parrish, J. Barrett, and M. Jaramillo, High concentrations of chlorine monoxide at low altitudes in the Antarctic spring stratosphere: secular variation, Nature, 328, 411-413
Tags: ClO, Microwave

1966, Rosen, J.M., Correlation of dust and ozone in the stratosphere, Nature, 209, 1342
Tags: Aerosol, Ozone, Sonde