
1991, Noltholt, J., Hjorth, J., Raes, F., Long-Path Field Measurements of Aerosol Parameters and Trace Gas Concentrations - Formation of Nitrous Acid During Foggy Periods, Journal of Aerosol Science, 22 Supplement 1, S411-S414
Tags: Aerosol, FTIR, HNO2

1991, Sarkissian, A., Pommereau, J.P., Goutail, F., Identification of Polar Stratospheric Clouds from the Ground by Visible Spectrometry, Geophysical Research Letters, 18(4):779-782
Tags: Clouds, PSC, UVVis

1991, Pommereau, J.P., Schmidt, U., CHEOPS-III - An Ozone Research Campaign in the Arctic Winter Stratosphere 1989/90, Geophysical Research Letters, 18(4): 759-762
Tags: Arctic, Ozone, UVVis

1991, Uchino, O., Tabata, I., Mobile Lidar for Simultaneous Measurements of Ozone, Aerosols, and Temperature in the Stratosphere, Applied Optics, 30, 2005-2012
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Ozone, Temperature

1991, Zander, R., Rinsland, C.P., Demoulin, P., Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements of the Vertical Column Abundance of Sulfur Hexafluoride, SF6, from the Ground, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 96, 15447-15454
Tags: FTIR, SF6

1964, Rosen, J.M., The vertical distribution of dust to 30 km, Journal of Geophysical Research, 64, 4673–4676
Tags: Aerosol, Sonde