
2006, Frieß, U., P. S. Monks, J. J. Remedios, A. Rozanov, R. Sinreich, T. Wagner, and U. Platt, MAX-DOAS O4 measurements: A new technique to derive information on atmospheric aerosols: 2. Modeling studies, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D14203,
Tags: Aerosol, Model, UVVis

2006, Koike, M., N. B. Jones, P. I. Palmer, H. Matsui, Y. Zhao, Y. Kondo, Y. Matsumi, and H. Tanimoto, Seasonal variation of carbon monoxide in northern Japan: Fourier transform IR measurements and source-labeled model calculations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D15306,
Tags: CO, FTIR, Model

2005, Morel, B., H. Bencherif, P. Keckhut, T. Portafaix, A. Hauchecorne and S. Baldy, Fine-scale study of a thick stratospheric ozone lamina at the edge of the southern subtropical barrier. Part II: Numerical simulations with coupled dynamics models, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D17101,
Tags: Lidar, Model, Ozone

2005, Bernhard, R. D. Evans, G. J. Labow, and S. J. Oltmans, Bias in Dobson total ozone measurements at high latitudes due to approximations in calculations of ozone absorption coefficients and airmass, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D10305
Tags: Model, Satellite, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

2005, Velazco, V., J. Notholt, T. Warneke, M. Lawrence, H. Bremer, J. Drummond, A. Schulz, J. Krieg, and O. Schrems, Latitude and altitude variability of carbon monoxide in the Atlantic detected from ship-borne Fourier transform spectrometry, model, and satellite data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D09306,
Tags: CO, FTIR, Model, Satellite

2004, Hofzumahaus, A., Lefer, B.; Monks, P.; Hall, S.R.; Kylling, A.; Mayer, B.; Shetter, R.; Junkermann, W.; Bohn, B.; Bais, A.; Calvert, J.; Cantrell, C.; Madronich, S.; Edwards, G.; Kraus, A.; Muller, M.; Schmitt, R.; Johnston, P.; McKenzie, R.; Frost, G.; Griffioen, E.; Krol, M.; Martin, T.; Pfister, G.; Roth, E.; Ruggaber, A.; Swartz, W.; Weele, M.V., Photolysis frequency of O3 to O(1D): Measurements and modeling during the international photolysis frequency measurements and modeling intercomparison (IPMMI), Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(8): D08S90,
Tags: Model, Ozone, UVVis

2004, Rinsland, C.P., E. Mahieu, R. Zander, Aaron Goldman, S. Wood, and Linda Chiou, Free Tropospheric Measurements of Formic Acid (HCOOH) from Infrared Ground-Based Solar Absorption Spectra: Retrieval Approach, Evidence for a Seasonal Cycle, and Comparison with Model Calculations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D18, D18308,
Tags: FTIR, HCOOH, Model

2003, Bais, A.F., S. Madronich, J. Crawford, S. Hall, B. Mayer, M. VanWeele, J. Lenoble, J. Calvert, C. Cantrell, R. Shetter, A. Hofzumahaus, P. Koepke, P. Monks, G., Frost, R. McKenzie, N. Krotkov, A. Kylling, W. H. Swartz, S. Lloyd, G. Pfister, T. Martin, P. Roeth, E. Griffioen, A. Ruggaber, M. Krol, A. Kraus, G. Edwards, M. Mueller, B. Lefer, P. Johnston, H. Schwander, D. Flittner, B. G. Gardiner, J. Barrick, R. Schmitt, International photolysis frequency measurement and model intercomparison (IPMMI) : spectral actinic solar flux measurements and modelling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D16 8543,
Tags: Model, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance, Validation

2003, Rinsland, C.P., D. K. Weisenstein, M. K. W. Ko, C. J. Scott, L. S. Chiou, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, and P. Demoulin, Post Mount Pinatubo eruption ground-based stratospheric column measurements of HNO3, NO, and NO2 and their comparison with model calculation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D15), 4437, ACL1,
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, NO, NO2, Volcano

2003, Shetter, R.E., W. Junkermann, W.H. Swartz, G.J. Frost, J.H. Crawford, B.L. Lefer, J.D. Barrick, S.R. Hall, A. Hofzumahaus, A. Bais, J.G. Calvert, C.A. Cantrell, S. Madronich, M. Müller, A. Kraus, P.S. Monks, G.D. Edwards, R. McKenzie, P. Johnston, R. Schmitt, E. Griffioen, M. Krol, A. Kylling, R.R. Dickerson, S.A. Lloyd, T. Martin, B. Gardiner, B. Mayer, G. Pfister, E.P. Röth, P. Koepke, A. Ruggaber, H. Schwander, and M. van Weele, Photolysis frequency of NO2: Measurement and modeling during the International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Modeling Intercomparison (IPMMI), Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D16),
Tags: Model, NO2, UVVis, Validation