
2015, Khaykin, S., Hauchecorne A., Mze N., Keckhut P, Seasonal variation of gravity wave activity at midlatitudes from 7 years of COSMIC GPS and Rayleigh lidar temperature observations, Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (4), 1251-1258,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2015, Kremser, S., et al., Positive trends in Southern Hemisphere carbonyl sulfide, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 9473-9480,

2015, Lainer, M., Kaempfer, N., Tschanz, B., Neloluha G. E., Ka S., and Oh, J. J., Trajectory mapping of middle atmospheric water vapor by a mini network of NDACC instruments, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 9711-730
Tags: H2O, Microwave

2015, le Pichon, A., Assink J. D., Heinrich P., Blanc E., Charlton-Perez A. J., Lee C.-F., Keckhut P., Hauchecorne A., Refenacht R., Kampfer N., Drob D., P.S.M. Smets, L. G. Evers, L. Ceranna, C. Pilger, O. Ross, C. Claud, J., Comparison of co-located independent ground-based middle-atmospheric wind and temperature measurements with Numerical Weather Prediction models, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120 (16), 8318-8331,
Tags: Lidar, Model, Temperature, Wind

2015, Mahieu, E., Chipperfield, M. P., Notholt, J., Reddmann, T., Anderson, J., Bernath, P. F., Blumenstock, T., Coffey, M. T., Dhomse, S. S., Feng, W., Franco, B., Froidevaux, L., Griffith, D. W. T., Hannigan, J. W., Hase, F., Hossaini, R., Jones, N. B., Morino, I., Murata, I., Nakajima, H., Palm, M., Paton-Walsh, C., Russell, J. M., Schneider, M., Servais, C., Smale, D. and Walker, K. A., Recent Northern Hemisphere stratospheric HCl increase due to atmospheric circulation changes, Nature, 515(7525), 104–107,
Tags: FTIR, HCl

2015, Moriera, L., Trend analysis of the 20-year time series of stratospheric ozone profiles observed by the GROMOS microwave radiometer at Bern, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15/19, 10999-11009,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Trends

2015, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., Unusual stratospheric ozone anomalies observed in 22 years of measurements from Lauder, New Zealand, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 6817-6826
Tags: Microwave, Ozone

2015, Pattantyús-Ábrahám, M., W. Steinbrecht, Temperature Trends over Germany from Homogenized Radiosonde Data, Journal of Climate, 28, 5699–5715,
Tags: Sonde, Temperature, Trends

2015, Scheepmaker, R.A., et al., Validation of SCIAMACHY HDO/H2O measurements using the TCCON and NDACC-MUSICA networks, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8(4), 1799-1818,
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Satellite

2015, Schoeberl, M., H. Selkirk, A. Douglass, and H Vömel, Sources of Seasonal Variability in Tropical UTLS Water Vapor and Ozone: Inferences from the Ticosonde Dataset at Costa Rica, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 9684–9701,
Tags: H2O, Ozone, Sonde