
2020, Becagli, S., Caiazzo L., Di Iorio Tatiana, Di Sarra Alcide, Meloni Daniela, Muscari G., Pace G., Severi M., and Traversi R., New insights on metals in the Arctic aerosol in a climate changing world, Science of the Total Environment, 741,
Tags: Aerosol, Arctic, Lidar

2020, Wohltmann, I., von der Gathen, P., Lehmann, R., Maturilli, M., Deckelmann, H., Manney, G. L., et al. , Near-complete local reduction of Arctic stratospheric ozone by severe chemical loss in spring 2020, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089547,
Tags: Sonde, Ozone, Arctic

2020, Yang, X., A.-M. Blechschmidt, K. Bognar, A. McClure–Begley, S. Morris, I. Petropavlovskikh, A. Richter, H. Skov, K. Strong, D. Tarasick, T. Uttal, M. Vestenius, X. Zhao , Pan-Arctic surface ozone: modelling vs measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 15937–15967,
Tags: Sonde, Ozone, Arctic, Model

2020, Eleftheratos, K., Kapsomenakis, J.; Zerefos, C.S.; Bais, A.F.; Fountoulakis, I.; Dameris, M.; Jöckel, P.; Haslerud, A.S.; GodinBeekmann, S.; Steinbrecht, W.; Petropavlovskikh, I.; Brogniez, C.; Leblanc, T.; Liley, J.B.; Querel, R.; Swart, D.P.J., Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level, Atmosphere, 11, 228,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2019, Bais, A.F., G. Bernhard, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, P. J. Young, M. Ilyas, P. Jöckel, and M. Deushi, Ozone–climate interactions and effects on solar ultraviolet radiation, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 18, 602-640,
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2019, Wagner, T., Beirle, S., Benavent, N., Bösch, T., Chan, K. L., Donner, S., Dörner, S., Fayt, C., Frieß, U., García-Nieto, D., Gielen, C., González-Bartolome, D., Gomez, L., Hendrick, F., Henzing, B., Jin, J. L., Lampel, J., Ma, J., Mies, K., Navarro, M., Peters, E., Pinardi, G., Puentedura, O., Puķīte, J., Remmers, J., Richter, A., Saiz-Lopez, A., Shaiganfar, R., Sihler, H., Van Roozendael, M., Wang, Y., and Yela, M., Is a scaling factor required to obtain closure between measured and modelled atmospheric O4 absorptions? An assessment of uncertainties of measurements and radiative transfer simulations for 2 selected days during the MAD-CAT campaign, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 2745-2817,
Tags: O4, UVVis

2019, Cadet, J.-M., H. Bencherif, D. J. du Preez, T. Portafaix, N. Sultan-Bichat, M. Belus, C. Brogniez, F. Auriol, J.-M. Metzger, K. Ncongwane, G. J. R. Coetzee and C. Y. Wright, Solar UV Radiation in Saint-Denis, La Réunion and Cape Town, South Africa: 10 years Climatology and Human Exposure Assessment at Altitude, Atmosphere, 10, 589,
Tags: Health, Spectral UV

2019, Barnes, P.W., et al., Ozone depletion, ultraviolet radiation, climate change and prospects for a sustainable future, Nature Sustainability, 2, 569–579,
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2019, McKenzie, R., G. Bernhard, B. Liley, P. Disterhoft, S. Rhodes, A. Bais, O. Morgenstern, P. Newman, L. Oman, C. Brogniez and S. Simic, Success of Montreal Protocol demonstrated by comparing high-quality UV Measurements with “World Avoided” calculations from two chemistry-climate models, Scientific Reports, 9, 12332,
Tags: Model, Spectral UV

2019, Lamy, K., T. Portafaix, B. Josse, C. Brogniez, S. Godin-Beekmann, H. Bencherif, L. Revell, H. Akiyoshi, S. Bekki, M. I. Hegglin, P. Jöckel, O. Kirner, B. Liley, V. Marecal, O. Morgenstern, A. Stenke, G. Zeng, L. N. Abraham, A T. Archibald, N. Butchart, M. Chipperfield, G. Di Genova, M. Deushi, S. S. Dhomse, R. Hu, D. Kinnison, M. Kotkamp, R.McKenzie, M. Michou, F. O'Connor, L. D. Oman, G. Pitari, D. Plummer, J. Pyle, E. Rozanov, D. Saint-Martin, K. Sudo, T. Y. Tanaka, D. Visioni, and K. Yoshida, Clear-sky ultraviolet radiation modelling using output from the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 10087–10110,
Tags: Model, Spectral UV, UVB