
2006, Van Roozendael, M., D. Loyola, R. Spurr, D. Balis, J-C. Lambert, Y. Livschitz, T. Ruppert, P. Valks, P. Kenter, C. Fayt, and C. Zehner, Ten years of GOME/ERS-2 total ozone data The new GOME Data Processor (GDP) Version 4: I Algorithm Description, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111, D14311,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Validation

2006, Maturilli, M., Dörnbrack, A., Polar Stratospheric Ice Cloud above Spitsbergen, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111(D18210),
Tags: Lidar, PSC

2003, Randall, C.E., Rusch, D. W. ; Bevilacqua, R. M. ; Hoppel, K. W. ; Lumpe, J. D. ; Shettle, E. ; Thompson, E. ; Deaver, L. ; Zawodny, J. ; Kyrö, E. ; Johnson, B. ; Kelder, H. ; Dorokhov, V. M. ; KöNig-Langlo, G. ; Gil, M., Validation of POAM III Ozone: Comparisons with Ozonesonde and Satellite Data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108, 4367,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, UVVis

1997, McGee, T.J., M. Gross, U. Singh, P. Kimvilikani, A. Matthews, G. Bodeker, B. Connor, J. J. Tsou, M. Proffitt, and J. Margitan, Lidar Measurements of Ozone at Lauder, NZ During ASHOE/MAESA, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102, 13,283-13289
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Sonde

1995, McGee, T.J., Ferrare, R.A., Whiteman, D.N., Butler, JJ., Burris, J.F., et al., Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone during the STOIC Campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D5): 9255 - 9262
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

1995, Whiteway, J.A., Carswell, A.I., Lidar Observations of Gravity-wave Activity in the Upper Stratosphere over Toronto, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D&): 14113-14124
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1994, Debacker, H., Visser, E.P.., Demuer, D., Swart, D.P.J., Potential for Meteorological Bias in Lidar Ozone Data Sets Resulting from the Restricted Frequency of Measurement Due to Cloud Cover, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 99 (D1), 1395-1401
Tags: Clouds, Lidar, Ozone

1993, Delguasta, M., Morandi, M., Stefanutti, L., Brechet, J., Piquad, J., One Year of Cloud Lidar Data from Dumont D'Urville (Antarctica) 1. General Overview of Geometrical and Optical Properties, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 98 (D10), 18575-18587
Tags: Aerosol, Clouds, Lidar

1991, Wilson, R., Chanin, M.L., Hauchecorne, A., Gravity-waves in the Middle Atmosphere Observed by Rayleigh Lidar 2. Climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 96(ND3): 5169-5183
Tags: Climatology, Lidar, Temperature

1991, Wilson, R., Chanin, M.L., Hauchecorne, A., Gravity-waves in the Middle Atmosphere Observed by Rayleigh Lidar 1. Case Studies, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 96(ND3): 5153-5167
Tags: Lidar, Temperature